Gintama, Bakemonogatari, Hunter x Hunter 2011, and Psycho-Pass are the other four. If you're looking for something to watch, the last two are pretty safe bets; assuming you haven't already seen them, HxH 2011 is a brilliantly executed shounen with stellar characterization, character development, and grounded conflicts, and Psycho Pass is a crime drama set in a futuristic dystopia with thought-provoking and intelligent themes. Those vague descriptions don't really do them justice, and woah that's kind of a lot of words to say basically nothing, but what I'm trying to say is that you should watch them if you're interested. I doubt they'll let you down.
The other two probably aren't for everyone (Gintama with its surreal/Japanese sense of humor and Bakemonogatari with its dialogue-heaviness,) but I enjoyed them both greatly.
How about your top 5?