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  • Can you go find my RIP Ray-Eels thread in the archive and PM me the contents of the first post? I want to have the list on hand just in case I forgot it (which I already have).
    I'm doin' alright thanks for asking :) I'm playing my Pokemon Y version as usual. Alot of things have to be done! Pokedex, Post game story, Battle maison, catching all ingame legendaries. I wonder when will I finish all of these commitments? lol
    We're in massively different time zones atm in all fairness :(
    But you are in the coolest country in the world right now so I forgive you :p
    If they finally make real Pokemon while you're over there would you be so kind as to bring me back and Eevee and some evolution stones? Yes? Thanks :D
    Hey Drohn! How are you doin? And, How's Japan? I hope you enjoy your trip. Regarding the shiny Pokemons, I have a cherished acquiantance who has been looking for these Pokemons for so long. Therefore I had to ask my peers to see if they had those kind of Pokemons. It's alright thanks Drohn :)
    Have you read my CMT at all?
    Zui Quan is up there a being one of my favorite starters ever.
    Right next to my first pokemon: Venusaur, and my first Lv. 100: Blaziken.
    Guess I shouldn't have blown it when I had the chance. :(

    Still in Japan? Sounds interesting.
    You know, I hear that there's a company out there that created some sort of monster game. You may want I check into that, as I hear it's pretty popular.
    Is there a reason why I can't see the "join our team" button anymore?
    Will it reappear when I'm allowed to try again?
    Hello Drohn, how's it goin' my friend? It's been a while I haven't heard of you, I don't see you very often in the PSS. BTW Drohn do you a shiny floette with orange pattern , or a shiny Carbink?
    Drohn, ah ok makes sense, and I've been good, I was taking a break from Pokemon but I think I'm gonna get back on it today. I was hoping the Pokemon bank would've been up as expected but I only found out that it was delayed :( also happy new year to you as well.
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