Can you go find my RIP Ray-Eels thread in the archive and PM me the contents of the first post? I want to have the list on hand just in case I forgot it (which I already have).
I'm doin' alright thanks for asking I'm playing my Pokemon Y version as usual. Alot of things have to be done! Pokedex, Post game story, Battle maison, catching all ingame legendaries. I wonder when will I finish all of these commitments? lol
We're in massively different time zones atm in all fairness
But you are in the coolest country in the world right now so I forgive you
If they finally make real Pokemon while you're over there would you be so kind as to bring me back and Eevee and some evolution stones? Yes? Thanks
Hey Drohn! How are you doin? And, How's Japan? I hope you enjoy your trip. Regarding the shiny Pokemons, I have a cherished acquiantance who has been looking for these Pokemons for so long. Therefore I had to ask my peers to see if they had those kind of Pokemons. It's alright thanks Drohn
Have you read my CMT at all?
Zui Quan is up there a being one of my favorite starters ever.
Right next to my first pokemon: Venusaur, and my first Lv. 100: Blaziken.
Guess I shouldn't have blown it when I had the chance.
Still in Japan? Sounds interesting.
You know, I hear that there's a company out there that created some sort of monster game. You may want I check into that, as I hear it's pretty popular.
Hello Drohn, how's it goin' my friend? It's been a while I haven't heard of you, I don't see you very often in the PSS. BTW Drohn do you a shiny floette with orange pattern , or a shiny Carbink?
Drohn, ah ok makes sense, and I've been good, I was taking a break from Pokemon but I think I'm gonna get back on it today. I was hoping the Pokemon bank would've been up as expected but I only found out that it was delayed also happy new year to you as well.