D D DNA Apr 12, 2012 Eevee, I'll have time for my head to recover over the weekend, but do whatever you please; I won't stop you.
Eevee, I'll have time for my head to recover over the weekend, but do whatever you please; I won't stop you.
D D DNA Apr 12, 2012 Eevee, the cycle where you bring up some deep psychological dilemma or hilarious joke, and it makes my head hurt as a result?
Eevee, the cycle where you bring up some deep psychological dilemma or hilarious joke, and it makes my head hurt as a result?
H H HypnoticChairman Apr 8, 2012 Eevee, BAHAHAHA YOU ARE WRONG! That's issue 714 of Detective Comics. The Batman series 714 doesn't exist, the last issue before the New 52 was 713. :O
Eevee, BAHAHAHA YOU ARE WRONG! That's issue 714 of Detective Comics. The Batman series 714 doesn't exist, the last issue before the New 52 was 713. :O