Eevee, that sounds amazing. And it sounds like you had a lot of fun; that's excellent! I know a friend of mine ran a Cinccino deck with Vileplume, Roserade, and Shaymin EX. It made my own deck at the time cry.
I actually had an odd match like that at my own States. I ran into a Zekeels mirror match, and Time+3 had passed. We were tied on Prizes. I had a Revive in hand to bring back a Zekrom, and if I topdecked a Catcher/Junk Arm/Energy then I would have won. I didn't; it was a Switch. I promote Cleffa, use Revive on Zekrom, use Eelektrik twice, and then I Eeeeeeek and hope to get lucky.
I then immediately wake up at the start of my opponent's turn. It wasn't meant to be, I guess!
At least I know what I'm running next tourney I go to - "V for Victory!"