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  • evil_elf, Yep. Going to be finished with school by the time I start High School (You go girl! Algebra/Geometry is how the cool kids do it ;D)
    evil_elf, Nice, those sound like great resolutions. What level of math are you doing in school? You're in 6th grade, right?
    evil_elf, Okay. You can PM me the story when you're ready. :)

    And you got a D for what? Misspelling? Grammar mistakes? Or something else?
    That's kind of what happened to the last girl who played Durant in my city XD But she dropped, 0-2. It's a luck based deck, but you still did pretty well. At least you actually got CP instead of getting luck sacked into fifth. At least you made top cut with a tier two deck and lost to mirror, even more luck based. AT LEAST YOU DIDN'T MISS CUT TO A BAD DECK BECAUSE OF SKILL ALONE. I should give you my list for HS-ND but I'm giving it to everyone in my SPT/Regionals article. It's standard, but it's really good. Especially, like I'll mention in the article, because Reshiram is being outclassed by Mewtwo.

    All in all, you shouldn't feel bad. You're doing better than I have with a worse deck. With the CP you have already, you might be top 40 in the US, and not 99th or something like I am.

    Like I said to myself before--Next time it won't be a bust. I'm testing HS-ND already so that I have actual testing to back me up in my article, which will help you and a lot others.

    Btw, do you run Defender in your Durant?
    Happy new year! Hope you did well today. I tried the deck out today actually and it was good, even beat my new rogue. It can even beat Mewtwo. I almost did but they got a heads on SSU to move the third energy to Psycho Drive with Shaymin. Or I could've gotten heads on the hammer and discarded the energy in the first place. Luck is so cruel to me...
    evil_elf, He wasn't at the league, he was just around the area and came up to me with his friends. That made it seem more creepy loool. If he brought a BB gun TO league he'd probably be asked to leave. He probably just wanted to creep me out or something, but I don't listen to people. I've been hated on for being that homeschooler Pokemon nerd forever, if I didn't care before why would I care now? If that story did happen then he was messed up anyway, probably had other issues.

    Oo, I saw that deck at cities a lot. One day it placed, the other times not. Good luck, troll hard, have fun.
    I went with Dewtzel, yeah. We had a pic up from that, and it was almost as funny as the other one we took in the same mall.

    Tepig isn't my fav, Snivy is. But I felt like bringing my Tepig along.

    Just got back from my new league. It was great but the area was nasty...five boys (one with a BB gun...I don't want my eye shot out :[) came up to me outside. Started asking weird questions (and giving obvious advice, like taking off my hat if I go to school) and told me a story of how some kid got made fun of for playing Pokemon. He got a gun and shot two classmates and himself apparently. I had my stuff in my hand so I decided to walk back inside just in case lol.

    You have Cities tomorrow right?
    evil_elf, You're lucky. I don't dislike the boy, but I'm getting sick of it. Last year, near the last day of school, the class teased me about it. But they mostly play around, anyways, and there are only 3 other girls in my class.
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