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  • evil_elf, You don't know about PO? Maybe ask Blah237 about PO. He'll know what to do. He instructed me on how to download PO on a Mac, and it worked. :)
    evil_elf, I'm bored, too.

    ...say, do you go on chat? You know, Pokebeach's chatroom? Also, do you have Pokemon Online? We could talk on PO sometimes.
    evil_elf, Okay. But that's horrible. Unloved by your parents and friends? Replaced with your sister? That's a horrible fate. What can you do?
    evil_elf, Yes. I visited a real haunted house last summer. It was scary. In fact, nobody is allowed to go in after midnight. Midnight at the sorrel weed house is when it gets really scary. The noises can even kill you. Trust me, don't go in a haunted house after midnight. Or the ghosts will get you.
    evil_elf, Good, after moving some items around in the basement. A lot of the things are old. Last night, I heard some noises. It didn't scare me, through, as I used to hear them when I was young.
    evil_elf, You know, my post count was mostly in the VG and Game forums. As for the Games forums... When it got deleted, my post count rose from there.
    Lol guys or girls? I just CAN'T imagine a guy coming up to you and petting that thing. My grandma hardly wears it, she's embarrassed. I'm almost certain you'd look better in it though.

    It is the thought that counts...but I still feel bad for not using the stuff. But I am glad for store credit, I returned all the stuff I didn't want and got Mario Kart 7, and I have like over sixty dollars left for Target from gift cards. I'll probably save it and buy like a gazillion ND packs or another video game when I get tired of all of mine...like that'll ever happen lol...
    evil_elf, Maybe, but I don't think that my parents are going to buy it. I already told them that I'd trade my DSi for a 3DS.
    And the proof is a secret. But I know that he's real. I didn't stay up for Christmas, but I know.
    And thanks. I discussed about it with DNA on chat, and I set my mind on that name. Another choice was Blue Fire, but its shortened version is 'BF'. I don't want people calling me that. LF is better. :)

    Do you plan to change your name?
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