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  • evil_elf, But I usually play auto pilot, so why not. Speaking of auto pilot, Mewtwo/Jirachi/Tornadus/Shaymin is such a beast. Most people thought of Tornadus as a phan counter but because he's no longer in the format, he works just as well as a Psychic counter except for Weezing who (1.) sucks already and (2.) can be teched against with PlusPower.

    I see. Maybe your lack of confidence in Pokemon is connected to making friends...maybe you have a lack of confidence in making friends.
    evil_elf, Lol sounds boring. We tried to play again but they kicked us out...speaking of which, I went 3-2...it's time I learned my lesson to always play auto pilot. I swear, everything else is jinxed. It happened to my friend too, he grinded into worlds but his friend was like "after this, you will never top again." That's how I felt after Regionals.

    I suppose the personality does help. Some players here are too cocky and have like no friends even though they're nationally recognized players. I get cocky sometimes too, but not nearly as much as some of my friends. But am I really that friendly in Pokemon? I feel like I'm to busy playing to talk and be merry.
    evil_elf, Haha, it's always a race to see what happens first, I reply or you delete. =P

    Yeah definitely, the thing was when as soon as I made them I knew that I had done something wrong because they were pretty major sometimes. That's not always the case but I guess you could say it's a good thing I realize when I mess up. Thank you, and yeah, CP are always nice. Haha yeah, the deck is pretty solid but I had to do a little research on it while I was building it. I actually do, I'm going to at least 1 more on Jan 8th but I'm hoping to possibly go to one on the 7th as well. How about you? Got any tournaments coming up?
    evil_elf, I'd say art. I still have to wait to start writing fanfics. I love to draw, but I dislike having to draw people. I love to draw dragons. They're what I'm good at drawing.

    What about your favorite school subject?
    evil_elf, Oh crud, forgot to reply to your question again. >.<

    Oh that's too bad, are you planning on going to anymore before they're over? I think the only one I didn't tell you about was on Saturday. I played Magnezone/Eelektrik and went 4-1 in swiss and just squeezed into top cut as 4th seed. I lost my first round so the pressure was on all throughout the day... Sadly, I didn't do so well in top cut. I ended up losing 0-2 to a ZPST. :/ I am pretty impressed even though some people might think that's not very good because I built the deck the day before and even though the strategy isn't very hard I was struggling to play it almost every match. Definitely made misplays that day but it was overall pretty fun. :]
    evil_elf, Pretty good. I worked on a chapter for the story and asked Zade if I could use him for my story. :)

    How about you?
    evil_elf, How can you not draw, it's easy. xD

    And lol. All my friends are girls, so that sort of gives me a break and they can go along with the pony thing. My friend Jeremy on the other hand, he just thinks I'm crazy.
    evil_elf, I didn't play any great games except one so fun was out of the question. But y'know... ELO boost is cool, as is hanging out with cool people playing with an inflatable Pokeball. And I am now getting along with more people, nearly every Senior gets along with me. Being a regular certainly helped :p

    And I made no misplay aside a Juniper on a low deck...but hey, he got like a T2 Wallop and a Glaciate, and he won on two win conditions anyway. My improved deck can handle it better. I guess I should've ran the list I have now, it'll do better hopefully.

    Ouch...I take it your dad is the clean one? Or does that include him?
    I played I h8 3 today (corners with no quantities of three) and went 3-1 losing to mirror. This may sound good but guess what? Fifth. But some kid with Reshiphlosion in his second tournament got third. I h8 3 actually takes SKILL TO PLAY. Half of my opponents lost their third round on LUCK and my last opponent did too but he was playing Zone, near auto win. My third opponent was a n00b I play against EVERY TIME since I came to FL. He got upset when he lost, I was about to say I was mad too, he always screws up my resistance. Unbelievable. When will I ever stop being paired against people who do bad in the end? That's why I like bigger events, you know, cuz I actually get a chance to top if I make a slip up in Swiss. But screw it BRs and Cities, one little loss and you might leave empty handed. Now I have no chance of meeting my goal. Unbelievable.

    My uncle, he's very rude sometimes.
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