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  • evil_elf, I'm glad you're feeling better. Always hate seeing my friends down.

    So, are you up to much?
    evil_elf, Okay fine, not everyday, but every two weeks? Pretty sure we say something to each other at least once a week. *Afro-G shrugs*
    Oh okay, I think that's the same as my friend's break. I think it's pretty lame because Christmas is on Sunday so you don't get any extra days off that week.
    Lol, I don't know if I would call it cool. Being home schooled definitely has some upsides but it can also have downsides. Oh wow, that stinks. :/ It's not even that I'm not allowed out, but more I have nowhere to go anyway...
    evil_elf, Haha it's fine, I just said that because you say hi about everyday so I assumed today wasn't an exception. But it's not like I'm offended or anything so don't worry lol.
    Oh I see, do you get winter break anytime soon? And school for me has been fine. I've told you I'm home schooled right? Just the same old stay home, do work, and go on the computer afterwards. I don't get out much sadly. =P
    evil_elf, Oh, how disappointing... :[

    It has been good so far, nothing special but I'm not complaining. Not something I normally ask but how has school been working for you? I'm going to guess your answer will be somewhere around the lines of....BORING! xP
    I sort of assume that you're going to say hello to me at some point tonight so I thought I would spare you the trouble and just beat you to it. =P

    So yeah, how are you on this fine evening?
    evil_elf, Thanks so much! What kind of problems? If you want to talk about it I'm here for you. If not, I totally understand. :)
    evil_elf, Sorry! I promise I am not. I'm so busy I'm hardly ever even on PokéBeach anyway. I thought I responded but I must not have. I'm so sorry.

    I forgot what was wrong at the time of writing but I am much better now. My girlfriend has been a little down (it's personal and I vowed not to share it), but she's doing better and that makes me really happy.

    How is everything for you?
    *holds out pinkie*

    I don't make fun of people unless their name is stated in the credits of the Twilight saga and Justin Bieber. Oh and my aunt's boyfriend. :p

    Tell them "I see no help, help me with my problem this week please I have been very upset and sad blah blah blah..."
    evil_elf, If it'd make you uncomfortable I don't need to know.

    Wow. They're lame. Press the matter maybe?
    evil_elf, I just realized I never did ask you why you were depressed. I kind of figured it was private.

    I see. Has the school been helping at all?
    Thanks. That is important, I keep misplaying this format. Just hoping I'll get cards on time.

    So how's it going lately? Has your temple imagination helped you still? ;p

    No srsly it pwns Vanilla with those...I try and tech that in every deck.

    Well again I still have Cities. My goal is 12 CP by the end of cities. 3rd in FL by ELO would be ideal as well.
    evil_elf, What's his name... (just me bein me and being cuiriose)

    Just keep tryin (Totally quoted :p)
    I tested a few times. I say Lanturn revenges every time. But Zeel can beat it which is why I'm playing that.

    I have only 5 lol. 30 should be impossible...I thought there was a limit.
    evil_elf, :(
    Ask him...
    and if he is... Ask him what happened to you and him...
    *MrGatr feels really bad for evil_elf*
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