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  • evil_elf, Yeah I guess but being lonely makes me sad. D: Lol yeah, I think it's up to what other people think. I wouldn't say that about myself but who knows...maybe people think that about me...

    My day today? A repeat of yesterday except I didn't feel quite as bored as yesterday. Still wasn't a fun day however you look at it. And how was your day? :]
    [color=#006400[* Love throws tea

    Good, sorta. I talk to him now...But then I get bullied by other kids...[/color]
    evil_elf, True that. Oh and I tested Vanilla against Lanturn with Eel and couldn't beat that either.

    15 is a ton. That's more CP than the kid who's first in FL...the one I lost to in T8. But FL has cities late.
    evil_elf, Well there just wasn't much to do. Not a lot of people to talk to at times. There was one point in the afternoon when I got to chat with someone who I had been looking forward to talking to all day but then they had to go like 40 minutes later. 40 minutes is a decent amount of time but the fact that I was looking forward to it for a while and that I was expecting it to go on longer was the part that was saddening.

    Haha I don't know, talk to DNA. He's the one who made that claim. But who knows...maybe he's right...
    evil_elf, Haha, thank you. :] Oh wow, that doesn't sound nice at all. :[ I had a pretty lousy day myself to be honest... Well that's pretty nice. My dad doesn't usually mind driving me to tournaments that are only an hour away. When it's longer than that sometimes I have to convince him. =P
    evil_elf, Its natural for you to miss him... That's just how the human body works, the second youfind someone else, the brain forgets him... It's like "screw you, you soiled memory"

    Anways... Slapp him for being a jerk:p
    evil_elf, Yeah, pretty much exactly what I was thinking. I sure do, probably at least 3 more. Oh okay, that's good to know. :] Personal issues you say? That doesn't sound too great... :/ I hope things get better for you soon. Oh wow, 4 cities? The fact that you went to that many when they practically just started tells me that your parents must not mind driving you around. And awesome, even now after BRs you're doing pretty consistently well. My real life? Pretty boring as usual. I'm not very good about talking about my life. Not because I keep things secret but more because I don't see anything worth talking about... :/
    Well I made up my mind in a way when I decided on Vanilluxe. But then I heard about Zone. Tested against that and it didn't quite beat it lol. And thanks for the good luck, I hope you keep placing at the very least. Cities gives you a good amount of CP for being just above BRs so you'll have a lot.
    evil_elf, Oh hello! ^.^ Just yesterday I think it was I looked at my friends list and thought about how we haven't really chatted recently. In terms of my Pokemon life I went to 2 tournaments this week and went 3-3 at both. Pretty disappointing to be honest... And how are you? :3
    evil_elf, Florida is hard to figure out though. I guess I will play Zekrom for the 10th and see if I do well.
    evil_elf, I kept on thinking today was Saturday...

    I love both to death, so it's a toughie. I just think the play is Magnezone, and it's pretty popular. I tech for Vanilluxe in the other deck as well. Basically very well rounded and cheap. But Vanilluxe loves to pick on dragons and Goth. But there is Cobalion. I'm afraid of that if I play Vanilla. :/
    evil_elf, You should have heard my manly wimpy scream...

    It's not my fault I am half awake
    evil_elf, It just barely happened when I was in the shower[\b]... I turned the tempature controll the wrong way *facepalm*
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