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  • evil_elf, um......yeah i tend to agree.....however this kid named momen in my classes at school reminds me of him.....he told my friend she had really pretty colored eyes and then he flirts with this other girl named justine
    evil_elf, they suited him much better than trololol and yes agreed it does make him sound geeky....it makes everyone sound geeky.....thts y i dont say it. its bad enough im labeled a nerd ): he really needs to go back to the puns for sure
    evil_elf, lol ikr! the puns were so hilarious but so stupid at the same time. it was hard not to like them. and yeah i realized tht too...he sometimes does the torterrable thing but thts like barely ever if at all....now he just says trololol which i think is stupid and he should go back to the puns hahaha
    evil_elf, aw :3 how cute :) i figured....cuz imma psychic *holds up psychic energy card* haha copying u know who's corny puns haha.....and when u turn around to shoot it with ur 12 gauge shot gun its gonna fly to the other side of ur bed and go mehehehehehehe
    evil_elf, tyler hates everyone younger than him.....and he can just go away for all i care haha nah jkjk he's nice sometimes and i bet u dont get on his nerves. i bet he still likes u but i think his mom caught on.....it would make sense
    evil_elf, It's about a boy who finds a mysterious rock in the forest which happens to be a dragon egg. It hatches and he discovers he's a dragon rider and he needs to save the world of Alagaesia. It's a really good series.
    evil_elf, *sigh* no he is always there unless he's sick haha and i bet he misses u too! i bet everyone does :) like at league and what not :)
    evil_elf, lol srry but yeah he does....his mom runs the league duh! its at peter piper pizza in gilbert by trader joes haha atomic comics shut down
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