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  • evil_elf, Haha cool! I was hoping to do the exact same this week but I didn't do quite that well. Well I played Stage 1s (like usual) and took out Donphan for Zoroark because I was expecting to see more Tyram and ZPST and I thought it would help. I ended up going 5-1 in swiss and being 1 of the 3 5-1s to make top 4. It stinks because we got a large turnout (Around 50 masters I think) so with only a top 4 there were 2 5-1s that didn't make top 4. :[ So anyway, I ended up losing 1-2 in top 4 to a trainer lock variant. And sadly, because I was 4th seed going into top 4 I got 4th place and no Victory Cup. D: I still had a fun time though and I'm just happy to be able to make top cut again. =] Oh and because of the big attendance I also got a championship point. =D
    evil_elf, Oh nice! Too bad you didn't go all the way but second is still nice. And that means yet another Victory Cup! ^.^ Don't you have like 3 now? Awww, really? That stinks... Lol, well on the bright side you got awesome pulls. =D I'm still yet to pull a Pokemon Catcher. D; Oh cool, and I'm glad you had fun. :]
    evil_elf, Oh wow, that's annoying. I would never see a Judge coming from a Reshiphlosion player.... And of course you have a great hand on top of it too. >.< Good to hear, let me know how you did whenever you have the time. =]
    Nice job getting the medal! I didn't check my place because I was disappointed enough already.
    evil_elf, Oh, well that's not bad at all. At least you got a Victory Medal. :] Whoa really? That's a really nice pull! I'm having trouble just pulling normal Pokemon Catchers. >.< Oh you did? I hope next time you beat all those Reshiphlosion players! >:]
    R1: "BW deck" hurrdurr won, almost got donked though
    R2: Reshiboar, he had bad start, won
    R3: Donked by Tornadus (ZPST) (Ridiculous, really. I Judged his 6 card hand and he got DCE, Seeker, Pachi, Shaymin, and Lightning, topdeck included.)
    R4: Terrible hand, lost to Reshiphlosion

    I have way too inconsistent deck. I was hoping some slowish decks like The Truth and Goth would be in there, but none. At least I know what the good players are playing (2nd in FL was rocking with S1 Rush, another good senior was the one playing ZPST, and my friend, who is a great player, was also playing S1 Rush. The newer competitive players love their Reshiram). All I know is that the only good deck for this metagame is Donphan/Dragons.
    evil_elf, I have one already, Team Rogue :p

    I don't think I am not friendly. I am not really competitive compared to other Floridians. Most really good players go to Georgia for Cities.
    evil_elf, I work at a Real estate office and I answer the front desk phones at one job. My other job I just started and I'm going to be greeting customers and selling them prescriptions at a retail pharmacy. :p
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