evil_elf, Lol I guess maybe is better than no. =P All three of those decks are pretty uncommon in my area so I'm not too worried about them. And stage 1s doesn't have a bad Reshiphlosion matchup if you play Zoroark. Haha yes, Patrat donk only gets better with the release of Victini. >:]
It's not too hard to be organized, though. You're probably organized too, but I think I meant it shows I can be a good host. Not in the "har de har her my binder is better than urs" sense, but a responsibility sense.
evil_elf, Well that's another problem, if I have less cards in my deck at the time of the lock, I might not be able to make them deck out first. I guess Aipom is all-around better.
Yeah, I guess. It's not the best job, but it will help for the future, even though it doesn't seem like much. It shows I have organizational skills. :3