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  • evil_elf, Spinarak is bad thanks to the new time rules though. Decking out is too hard. I'll try Aipom.
    evil_elf, Probably, as long as people join! I think I'll PM you the copy. Maybe there'll be some changes to it...
    evil_elf, Good. I just PM'ed SR about a RPG I'm planning. I also sent a PM to myself. Oops I forgot to state that it was a RPG! xD
    It's called Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Light Pokemon Attack! PMD Light Pokemon Attack! is a RPG. I guess I won't be posting it until later.
    evil_elf, Haha no problem. If you ever need tips with anything I'm your guy. ;D (Not sure if that's true or not... =P) Yeah, Stage 1s is pretty fun. I guess I got used to playing it early so that's why I've been doing pretty well. Lol, could be viable. Pretty sure it does 1 for 30. Not bad if add a few PlusPowers right? And who cares if it's a coin flip. xP
    evil_elf, Oh good. Well I think the best thing to do against that matchup is use Tornadus first to make sure you conserve your energy and continuously drag up any Cyndaquil, Quilava, or Typhlosion and hit them with Hurricane. That's why 4 Pokemon Catcher is helpful. You may not be able to OHKO Typhlosion but dragging it up can be pretty disruptive and 2 shotting it isn't all that bad anyway. I'm hoping to play ZPST for my last BR but I'm still a little unsure. If I can't play it I'll just play stage 1s.
    evil_elf, Sounds like fun. Make sure you test that Reshiphlosion matchup. =P I don't think it's a super hard matchup as long as you get a decent setup. How many Pokemon Catchers do you play? Lol I hope you can go too.
    evil_elf, Well I looked through my binder and I have both Aipom and Spinarak. Guess I'll try both. Anyway, we closed on our new house today, and tomorrow we're gonna check it out. You?
    evil_elf, Nothing much, haven't had much time to do anything today and life's not fun unless you're chatting with someone...(Not entirely true but it's my favorite thing to do when I'm on the computer) What's up with you?

    PS: You have too many profile comments. Try boosting you post count. =P
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