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  • ShadowLugia, Well, no pressure, dude. Try it when you feel like it. Also, are you reader as well?
    ShadowLugia, Well, trying the older games from the series won't do any good if you disliked the first few. And are you talking about AC 1 or AC2? Because I personally think that AC2 is really good. In case you don't know, AC3 comes out in the end of October, a few days right after my mom's birthday.
    ShadowLugia, Yes, I found someone who is a gamer like myself. Do you play Assassin's Creed?
    ShadowLugia, Did I really tell you twice I was moving? i'm sorry but the majority of the time I forget things I say. And what kind of vids?
    ShadowLugia, Nothing, that can come in later. Right now, just cleaning up our house along with my parents and sister. We're moving to our new house in August and everyone else is excited, save the cleaning part. But what about you?
    ShadowLugia, yeah, but the government of PB is never going to take me on with a full-time job.
    ShadowLugia, Ron Paul is that candidate everyone kinda likes but no one is willing to vote for, for various reasons. He's like the political underdog.
    Just had a question though about the article, where do they get all the math for it?
    ShadowLugia, I've seen Teapot. Supposedly TDL has too, but I haven't seen him. Same with Pride, Dark Void and R-C. Oh, and a certain Sprite Master.

    BTW, Skype?
    ShadowLugia, Okay man. I actually have a friend's account that you could borrow for a few days if you want to see if its worth it.
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