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  • ShadowLugia, You should buy the computer version!!! It's soooo worth it! And its a lot better than the Xbox version. (I don't even own an Xbox)
    Actually, I've made 13 threads, guys, excluding some of the threads I've deleted from a long time ago. :x
    ShadowLugia, Conquest is good! From what I can see, it's basically like Pokemon + Advance Wars. It's got a good plot, reasonable difficulty, and a great post-game - literally.
    Mr. Krabs: "You know what I'm gonna do now?"
    Spongebob: "Cut off our butts?"
    Patrick: "Can I use mine one more time?"
    ShadowLugia, yeah, I'm a big SB fan, especially of the older episodes. My favorite scene is when SB and Patrick are kidnapped by the Flying Dutchman.

    "But the door is locked...and the only way out is through the...perfume department!"

    That was my favorite TV moment, bar none.
    Yeah, if they ever give you the offer again, you really should accept it.
    Haha, no haven't finished reading it yet. :p Unfortunately in reality, I'm such a poor and slow reader. But I'll get to you when I finished it.
    "great job on that last battle pikachu"
    "muk use acid"
    "go get 'em ash"
    "great job on that last battle pikachu"
    "muk use acid"
    "go get 'em ash"

    dear lord i was crying when that happened.
    maaaannnnn, me and my friend watched that pikachu on acid video two days ago

    ... we were a little drunk so it was even more hilarious
    Alright, sounds awesome. I'll go check them out! :D
    EDIT: Err... Nope. Guess not. My ISP has really been sucking lately. I have a brand new router and a fairly new modem and my internet connection won't even cap 1 mbps per second. I can't play Youtube videos (without a lot of suffering) is what I'm getting at. So I'll check them out later. :p
    Also, something for you to correct in your bio. xxsacredrelicxx is banned, and you should probably put something about that in there. The rest looks great, but I hate that you aren't a mod anymore. :/
    Okay, good. We are now in the middle of finishing our exams. Can't wait.
    Do you need to register there? Because I pretty much prefer if it's all packed in just one place. But the articles there can sure deserve some looking. Thanks for doing this. When are you available?
    Would love to but the problem is, I'm such a complete noob and I don't know the basics of it.
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