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    Also, the MP3 to some rap battle in your bio comes from MegaUpload, which recently got shut down the the government and stuff, etc, etc. Might want to remove that. :]
    ShadowLugia, I know a good site that has subbed Naruto along with a few other animes (DBZ, Bleach, One Piece, and around thirty or so more). Tell me if you want the link.
    ShadowLugia, nah, you have to watch subbed or gtho lol. The English acting is terrible. Just listen to Shikamaru and Naruto's voices compaired to their original voices.

    Also "dattebayo" becoming "believe it" is the worst move in anime history.
    ShadowLugia, if you've seen the anime, the use of damn and hell is pretty common. There's also one episode (iirc, it's the one where Naruto and his team finally break into Sasori and Deidara's cave after extracting the tailed beast from Gaara) where Naruto drops the f bomb.

    Naruto Shippudden (or part 2 if you're that kind of guy) is pretty dark sometimes. It's a step-up from the original series at least.
    ShadowLugia, that has to be it. It's the voice, combined with dashing good looks.
    Well, either a good voice with average looks, or an average voice with good looks will do it. However, since he wants to hide his voice from Skype, that's probably his secret.
    ShadowLugia, I don't know if he had a lot of girls at his workplace or if he just had an insane amount of magnetism.
    Either way...simply stupendous.
    I do remember that you certainly were nice to the ladies you worked with, due to all the comments they left on your profile ohohohoho
    I can't stop giggling.
    My friend put your sig. in a Power Point presentation and my dad got really mad because he thought my friend had portrayed a Guy who was "high" on his presentation :p
    ShadowLugia, In the world?! Nice. I'm also going for an award that no one has ever gotten at the camp, but I doubt I'll make it. If you know scoring, I have to get 250 points with thirty arrows (maximum points is 300) from 60 yards away. I can barely get 260 points from 20 yards x___x.
    ShadowLugia, I sure will :p. Don't worry, I'll be safe even while winning my archery tournaments ;] (seriously, I came second last year by 3 points so I really hope I can win this year).
    No happy endings still.
    Everyone dies.
    Ghetsis shoots laser out of mechanical eye and battles 6 Rayquaza.
    Best thing ever.
    ShadowLugia, No dude, I'm 100% pure Grade A ladies man.

    Yeah, it really wasn't enjoyable. I'm moving close to a city, so I should be able to find something that I enjoy. I'll keep you updated.
    ShadowLugia, Cashier at a grocery store. Might've been better if I got paid better than the new girl who started a few weeks after me.

    And yes, I have been told I am quite the ladies man.
    ShadowLugia, :O You creeper.

    I know the feeling about hating your job. I hated mine for the 16 months that I had it, and I only worked like 10 hours a week. Pressure from my father isn't making finding one easy, but I think I'll find one when I'm ready. Thanks for the wish buddy.
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