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  • Quick question: does music effect your choice in an anime? For me, yes.
    ShadowLugia, okay, then I didn't use it against you. (If I was using it against you, you'd know. There are only 2 kinds of non-Hero monsters in the Main Deck, and 1 in the Extra Deck.)
    Oh, that's right! I played with it against Don.
    ShadowLugia, wait, you haven't seen my HERO deck yet? I thought I played you with it today.
    ShadowLugia, to OTK with Vision Hero Trinity, it requires your opponent control 3 monsters in Attack Position with an average ATK of 2300 or less.
    Not impossible but still requires a bit of setup, so things like Dark Bribe, MST, and the like would work. Heck, maybe even Final Attack Orders.
    (There's a monster with the same effect. I think he's called Gaap the Divine Soldier.)
    ShadowLugia, he used to be in my Hero deck until I realized it was way too cumbersome to get out.
    ShadowLugia, and don't be surprised if I shock you with strategies you've never seen before.
    ShadowLugia, I'll be sure to keep that in mind! I'll be available most of the next couple weeks (which is good) so I should be able to play some games.
    ShadowLugia, tbh I didn't even know there was a TCG lol. You might want to google that.
    ShadowLugia, not a terrible chapter, just ... not good.

    I'm not sure, but this chapter ended with something like "it's the begining of the end as a light shines down". There's still Tobi vs Naruto, Sasuke vs Kabuto (now that Edo Tensai is broken, I imagine so did Itachi's genjutsu on him), and Susuke vs Naruto. I think the last one is sure to happen.

    Now that Edo Tensai is over, so is Madara. Tbh I'm pissed at this. Zer character development and he didn't kill a single Kage. Kishi downplayed him badly. I mean seriously, one moment he slices mountains with Perfect Susanoo, and the next he's dead again.

    You know it's a good "war" when the only characters to die are already dead, clones, and plot devices lol.
    Naruto Chapter 589 came out.

    All I can say is Kishimoto can't write good to save his life.
    ShadowLugia, so do I. I'm just saying it's worse to be trapped in a match you know you're going to win later anyway, even though it takes 10 whole rounds to do so. I got to about round 8 and arrived at League, and it was taking way too long so I just turned my PSP off.

    I HATE fighting Luna.
    ShadowLugia, yeah.
    They'll wait you out forever and NEVER surrender. That's even WORSE than ragequitting.
    ShadowLugia, I possess World Championship 2006 for GBA, as well as Tag Forces 4 and 5 for PSP. But since joining Dueling Network I don't really feel much of an appeal for playing them anymore. It's like Redshark. You get everything right off the bat.

    ...That, and the RFP Psychics didn't appear until Tag Force 6.
    ShadowLugia, yeah. Don actually gave me the idea for the decklist, which was way better than my initial decklist - mostly because it was a Tag Force 4 list and I didn't have the RFP Psychics to use. (I was using Mind Protector and stuff instead.) Been tweaking it ever since.

    Been wanting to play using a Karakuri deck for a while. One of these days.
    Don't like Dark World very much, but at least it's not as bad as Inzektors.
    ShadowLugia, here are the decks I use:

    "Serious" decks
    Psychics (used in Rated; nothing else I use do I play in Rated)
    Empty Jar
    Inca Dragons (used it a lot a long time ago; don't use it so much now)
    this one epic deck I copied from my friend and then changed around

    "Fun" decks
    Inferno Reckless Summon
    "Ultimate Lock"

    I don't like the Heralds. Just because Deus is a Kristya recolor doesn't mean I like the deck. I've seen Blargh257 play a Hyperion+Kristya deck and it's actually pretty intimidating.

    All of my decks could do well in rated and unrated games alike, but I choose not to use them over Psychics for various reasons. (The main reason I don't run Empty Jar in rated is I don't want people to hate me.)
    ShadowLugia, the obvious ones? What are the obvious ones?
    Also, that's exactly WHY I love Claydol so much. Resists EdgeQuake completely, sidesteps Spikes, gets SR AND Rapid Spin, has bulk to die for, and even has decent offense and gets a lot of coverage with it.
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