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  • ShadowLugia, well the most I plan on going for is six years but I want to go for at least four years. Senior year I am going to be a pharmacy tech during school, so I am thinking about something similar to that.
    College is far away for me, thank god. Do you know what kind of degree you're going for?

    And also, I'm pretty sure your summer got a lot more magical when I sent you that profile comment. /gloat
    Would you want to do a test battle for the pack tourney? ,
    ShadowLugia, It was your line until I copyrighted it. Now it's 'sup(TM)

    Things have been really boring lately, I have way to much time on my hands. But hey, in this overwhelming amount of time, I've gained a respect for crappy horror movies, so all's good. What have you been up to?
    This week has been so boring. No Naruto manga or anime until next, I'm at a point is Old Republic where I must level grind, and I forgot to save during my hardcore mode playthrough of New Vegas. At least next week I get new manga AND anime AND I'll play a White 2 ROM. :3
    ShadowLugia, he used Mystic Box against the Paradox Brothers (to destroy Labyrinth Tank), and then later against Kaiba (to destroy Ancient Lamp).
    ShadowLugia, it was Mystic Box, actually, but Dark Magician was epic season 1 because of, literally, all the magic tricks he did.
    ShadowLugia, I'm free all this week due to most of my exams being over (regents next week T_T but those are easy). Tomorrow probably works pretty well depending on when my brother gets home, I want to spend some time with him because he just got home from college.
    ShadowLugia, I've never seen the old one (let alone heard of it before this one.) I'm not a big anime fan but I remember watching this one Gandam show with these little robots\ on toonami when I was a around 6 or 7 so I watched toonami when it started. It grabbed my attention more than the others. I've seen up to episode 7 now.
    Okay, I will add you next time I am on. Also, my gamertag is FireIcePhoenix1.
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