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  • ShadowLugia, Maps are slightly larger then Dead Space 2 maps, but yeah, you get the point :p
    ShadowLugia, I've actually played Battlefield, and it feels similar except for:

    1. No vehicles. I don't think it detracts from the game at all though.

    2. Much smaller maps with more tactical maneuvers. In battlefield you're fighting to get to an objective on a huge open map with a ton of people and vehicles. In Ghost Recon, you're jumping from cover to cover, killing on the way and eventually getting to the objective. Or, you can stand back and support your team with steady fire from an LMG or picking off enemies with a sniper.
    ShadowLugia, It's pretty good, my main problem with it is that you won't get the most out of it if you don't play with friends. It's all about coordination and tactical maneuvers, and if you actually do that in multiplayer, it's crazy fun. It feels a lot different from other shooters because it's so much more tactical, there's a lot more customization (Gunsmith is amazing), and it's all about completing objectives rather then killing people (although you do have to kill people anyway).

    To put it short, if you like games where you can charge in headfirst and fire away CoD style, you won't like this. To me however, who loves strategy, it's awesome.
    ShadowLugia, Rematch on Reach? Challenge accepted ;]

    I've been playing a lot of Ghost Recon lately, but I'll be sure to go on Reach sometime so we can play.
    ShadowLugia, Thanks :] I've surprised myself in how well I've been doing, considering I started competitive battling less then a year ago.
    ShadowLugia, That was the one wrong prediction. I had to either Stone Edge and hope he switched or switch and hope he didn't switch. 50/50 chance and I chose wrong. Just shows how good of a match it was though, coming down to one prediction.

    The commentary was R-C lol, my voice and others somehow got muted out.
    Yo bro, stopped by GameStop and got SWTOR. Need some advice on how to get started. : P
    ShadowLugia, ahahaha, I know how that feels. That restless feeling of ennui. You just can't wait for something to happen next.
    Yeah. Dat is freaky.
    Ever since I started here you've been a mod. Until now.
    Anyway. ENJOY YAR LIEF!
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