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  • Aye, okay. I was afraid something happened, you got mad about it, and threw a fit like one too many other mods who've been on-staff and quit/got fired since the time I was modded. It was a pleasure working with you, though.
    ShadowLugia, lul, I actually like Shikamaru because he reminds me of myself (sans the lazy part). I actually just learned shogi is a form of chess, so that's another reason!

    Yeah man, it was fun! I didn't respond before becaue of lack of words on what to say.
    ...Mmm... You just retired, right? I already saw you were demoted yesterday, but was afraid that there may be some negative circumstances behind it...
    ShadowLugia, D'awww, you're too kind. I never have exactly been able to look back and say that I thought I did a good job as mod but even when I've had my doubts in the past you still gave me encouragement. So yeah, means a lot to me, thanks right back at you. :]

    Oh and that's good to know because I do need you, I need you bad...
    Well, Thanks. But, I'm not going to get my hopes high because then if I don't get the job , I'll be really disappointed.
    Woe is the member that sees such a beautiful bio writer take off to a promising future, away from the land of PokeBeach.

    Make it a good one, sir.
    Well, sorry to see you go man. I just wonder who will replace you because you were a great help to our VG. Sad to see you go.

    Sincerely , R-C
    ShadowLugia, heh, I totally hear that. And you've been a great help to Pokebeach both then and now; I don't doubt you'll continue to be one in the future.

    Stay thirsty, my friend.
    ShadowLugia, Still sad to not see you as a mod, but I'm glad you're not leaving for good :]
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