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  • ShadowLugia, For real. I just hate when one person gets me going, then others join and then I look horrible. I didn't want to be that person that argues like that because it is honestly not who I am. It is an apology
    Hmm. In relation to my-time (which is +6), what's a good time for you tomorrow where I'll be likely to be awake?
    This might be awkward if we do tonight. Ideally I can only really do tomorrow morning GMT, which is about 12 hours from now. That's probably inconvenient for you. >.<
    Meeting up would be amazing. Maybe someday. ;)
    By the way, Bippa's free tonight (American time). I think I should be, since it'll be the morning for me. Will you?
    ShadowLugia, Haha, it's honestly no problem. I'm just browsing for good EPs at the moment anyway. ;D
    And thanks. I did love the TCG; its fading wasn't a sudden choice, just a lack of interest. Who knows, maybe I could go to a prerelease and respark my - no. I'm just buying albums from now on. And going to concerts. xD
    ShadowLugia, Haha, you have a more exciting life than me. xD
    It's nice to hear that you'll be doing stuff on YouTube. I've seen countless people that either sub-for-sub or create an account without any videos just to comment on other people's things. It's better when people actually bother.
    Having said that, I might actually be on the opposite end of the spectrum. I don't know if I'm going to buy packs for others' entertainment when I'm not even enjoying opening them myself. Plus, my professor is hopeless unreliable (you never know who's watching) at organising events. And so I've decided to probably quit TCG at some stage, although it's hard now that I've come so far. :<
    ShadowLugia, Well, I've not been doing much recently. I did, however, buy a new EP yesterday which is absolutely great. I don't know if you're a Gorillaz fan, but it was On Melancholy Hill EP. Some very nice stuff in there. Three videos and four songs for only £2 ~ Probably about $3. :3 How are you?
    ShadowLugia, It's ok. With someone as cool as you, I don't care how difficult you're being. As long as we get some Brawl done eventually. ;D
    I'm busy quite literally all of today starting in an hour or so. So I guess today is out of the question. But Sunday is a contender for a meet-up. And our match too.
    ShadowLugia, As a Prof Green fan, I'm here at your inconvenience. ;)
    Maybe sometime soon? In the next hour?
    Otherwise, I'm busy today.
    ShadowLugia, If there was a Beach wide Brawl tournament, I dunno if I'd want to be the one hosting it. But I think I could do it.

    And thanks.
    ShadowLugia, Yeah. If worse comes to worse, I'll just make a make-shift friendly fire (being that only one player wins, but it will count as a win for the team).

    It'll be confusing, but I'm certain I can get it working. It'll be a fun tournament though.
    ShadowLugia, I'll figure it out. I'm not too sure if Team Brawl is actually an option. But I'm awesome enough that I can make it work. :3

    And yeah, inb4 Nintend lots of lag.
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