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  • ShadowLugia, ShadowMan banner is probably one of my all-time favorites now, second only to the DNA banner itself. I never tire of it either.

    Thanks for the well-wishing.
    ShadowLugia, I've sent one to you. :3
    I'll send my app for The Smashers later, I'm busy today.
    I go for cuteness you go for funniness, or so I presume. Thanks!
    ShadowLugia, No problem, I would if I was still awake at 2am. xD
    Maybe next weekend instead.
    :S If you don't get online in 30 mins, sorry, but I'll have to call it off. I'd tell you my FC, but you're not online. ;_;
    ShadowLugia, Great! If you get a friend request in the next few hours, it'll be me. ;D
    ShadowLugia, Wow. o_O
    Well, I'm thinking in 6-7hrs time. Whatever works for you.
    ShadowLugia, I guess we can battle today and then if you think I'm ok, I'll join the group. Will you be awake at 2pm my-time? I'm free then.
    Oh, and for the name, we could be the 5hadow5.
    ShadowLugia, I'm not in the group, but I still brawl and if ya need a partner, I'm happy to help join the group. :3
    We might get a chance to Brawl today sometime (2nd Oct)
    The Smashers, as in Bippa's Brawl group?
    We coul arrange a few battles and I'll show you my standard (although I've never played competitively before).
    ShadowLugia, imo:

    God > Family > Friends > Health > Work > Money > Women > Pokemon Battles

    Don't worry, bro, I know that feel. :[
    ShadowLugia, yeah, same here. I had to work late yesterday, and I had an expected event happen that's family related. >.<

    I guess I'll take the win.
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