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  • Yeah man, the show was pretty awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing the story behind Taylor and his son, along with some history of Earth's journey to total crap (aka what we're headed for).

    Oh, and dinosaurs. Moar dinosaurs.

    I worked pretty late today, but I see you didn't even come on today, so it's not like you or me should feel guilty about not battling today. xP
    Yeeaaaaaah, tomorrow we should battle. Terra Nova premieres on tonight on Fox (you should watch too : D ), and I don't want to miss that. ;f
    SL's Bio said:
    2. Bippa201 - Surprisingly, I only met him a couple months ago. I saw him post around the game corner here and there, so I figured I should say hi. He's quite a nice Canadian person, and is extremely popular with the PokeBeach crowd. He's one of safariblade's closest friends, and I would hope he would think the same of me as his friend. He recently began to practice Competitive VG, and he's gotten very good at it, joining up with none other than Team Cypher. We chat a lot on Skype and PO, usually ending in hilarity. A smart, kind, and friendly member all around
    d'awww. That's so nice, thanks.
    ShadowLugia, Cool, sounds fun. Maybe I will get one for my dream house, and have everything else made by PB members. So far I could get a desk made by DV57 and a cabinet by you. :]
    ShadowLugia, foreveralone.jpg

    Misleading ftw...But if she's a video game character, I feel your pain. But it can still get complicated anyways. What's your job if you don't mind my asking?
    ShadowLugia, You have lady friends too? notforeveralone.jpg. Nobody understood how I have friends that are girls but not my girlfriends.

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