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  • Some Loser, You seriously like have the best ideas ever. I am thoroughly impressed.
    Some Loser, This is the way of the future. Welcome to the new age, to the new age welcome to the new age.
    Some Loser, Oh mayn, and pretend you're not poor and can afford all the games. Smart thinking.
    Some Loser, Part of me is glad for the wait so I can continue to save,'s still such a long wait. How will we survive? :[
    Some Loser, I'm not really a huge fan of AC either, but I do really want to sail a pirate ship around. And of course I'm excited for Super Smash Bros and Pokemon, I just wanted Golden Sun to be the one new thing they showed.
    Fun fact. In 1984 Giorgio Moroder remade the soundtrack for the 1927 film I'm studying 'Metropolis'.
    Some Loser, The biggest problem is I think about the games I already don't have but am still interested in. Right now I'm trying to just save save save so I don't buy something small and regret not saving more for something larger. So I imagine at some point the money I'm saving will go toward a Wii U, but then there's the games for that, on top of all the 3DS games I'm interested in... I still haven't even played Fire Emblem or Luigi's Mansion. Why is life so difficult??? ;O;
    Some Loser, I'm super psyched about all this Nintendo stuff. If anything specific encourages me to get a job it has to be this right now. They clearly want my money. D:
    Sorry,Just a character on a TV show I watch (House of Anubis, funnily enough xD) who screeches "SQUEEEEE" When she gets excited :)
    Some Loser, And then there's Nintendo tomorrow, but honestly the only thing they could show me that would make me happy would be a new Golden Sun.
    Some Loser, Honestly, more people should be pumped, Battlefront is an amazing series.

    I'm actually really excited for Titanfall, giant mechs with force powers? Yes please. Other then that, Dragon Age 3 just because I love Dragon Age, The Walking Dead 400 Days, that Dragon rider game that had no sound during the Microsoft conference looks cool, especially if that was gameplay, Mad Max, and Assassin's Creed IV, but only because it reminds me of sailing from Wind Waker.
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