Gardy Jul 8, 2013 Haunted Water, Ah, makes sense. So, about these visions, have you ever had anymore?
Gardy Jul 7, 2013 Haunted Water, Well, if ya think about it... I meant every little thing. The two cousins... The questions.. The vision... And everything inbetween.
Haunted Water, Well, if ya think about it... I meant every little thing. The two cousins... The questions.. The vision... And everything inbetween.
Gardy Jul 7, 2013 Haunted Water, I don't think I will have a day where all of those specific instances occur. If I do... I will have become a 2/7,230,000,000
Haunted Water, I don't think I will have a day where all of those specific instances occur. If I do... I will have become a 2/7,230,000,000
Gardy Jul 7, 2013 Haunted Water, Well, that was one interesting story.... Can't say that will ever happen to me.
D D DNA Jul 7, 2013 Haunted Water, no, it means they live only once. "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country."
Haunted Water, no, it means they live only once. "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country."
D D DNA Jul 7, 2013 Haunted Water, the last two words? It's acceptable grammar - not often seen, but acceptable.
Gardy Jul 7, 2013 Haunted Water, Well, here is what you reply with. Another question. "I don't know, do you?"
Gardy Jul 7, 2013 Haunted Water, I already explained, I would date a girl. But not in a physical way.
Gardy Jul 7, 2013 Haunted Water, Eh, I may have learned to look on the bright side, but I still got all this anger.
Gardy Jul 7, 2013 Haunted Water, To mature? To immature? To into Pokemon? You can't do that to me. It is going to bug me now.
Haunted Water, To mature? To immature? To into Pokemon? You can't do that to me. It is going to bug me now.