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  • HoOhLugia, the way you described it makes it sound like it came right from a storybook:
    "The adrenaline flowed through our bodies as we participated in heart-stopping rides."
    Think about that for a second. That's how a book would describe it, perfectly.
    HoOhLugia, that celebration sounds so fun, I am moderately jealous.
    ...what's a jamberoo? any relation to a jamboree?
    HoOhLugia, that sounds most spectacular! I am very pleased that both of you had a great time. How high (for Years) does your school go? I'm curious.

    How did the speech go? did you have to rehearse it first or was it more impromptu?
    ...wait, there was cake? wow.
    Ooh, nice! Congratulations to the both of you! Truly, this is a momentous occasion.
    Will you be continuing at the same school next year, or will you need to find a new one?
    HoOhLugia, how much progress have you made so far (either in pages or chapters)? And who besides you has read it so far?
    HoOhLugia, hmm, let me think. It'll take me a while to remember...

    Well, one time when I was visiting Arizona, I chanced to look up at the night sky, and it was full of stars.
    That may be no big deal, but I live in a fairly urban area and don't see stars very often, unfortunately. It was a small thing, but it was nice.

    I've probably seen better, but I don't remember that far back...
    HoOhLugia, I haven't watched the films in years (probably because when I used to watch them, I was...well, younger than you), though I don't really remember any of them. The only line I ever remembered was when Spike (that was his name, right?) first talked.

    They weren't all that memorable to me.
    HoOhLugia, I think you did ask me this. It's Regigigas, because it's a glorious titan of unparalleled strength and majesty.

    The Land Before Time is a movie series about dinosaurs, yes, I know of it.
    HoOhLugia, not in the one I have. Exasperated means 'frustrated'. I've never really heard it any other way. Even Dictionary.com has it that way: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/exasperated?s=t

    An Arabic scholarship you say? Towards what?
    HoOhLugia, I think the word you're looking for is 'exhausted', not 'exasperated'. 'Exasperated' is a synonym of 'aggravated' or 'frustrated'. But a Katy Perry song? That's an odd choice...

    The Rose award, you say? What does that entail?
    HoOhLugia, kinda, yeah. I look forward to it for being near the end of the year, which means more hours of daylight (I don't like 5pm sunsets; they're too early).
    Though I look forward to it for other reasons as well.
    HoOhLugia, hm. That doesn't look...too unpredictable. Then again, it is changing a few times in one week, so I don't know. We've had rain over here for the past few days, but it's going to pass eventually.
    HoOhLugia, not sure, actually. I'll go check again.

    Yeah, I heard about the tornadoes. I heard it first from one of my friends who lived in the area before I heard it on the news. As for a way you can help...I am honestly not sure. There might be something if you Google-search it, but I don't know off the top of my head.

    Try looking for something; I'll ask my friend when she logs on.
    16 hours? I thought it was 17...
    That's probably because of daylight savings.

    Did you hear about the 60 tornadoes that affected Illinois? Are you affected?
    Do you think there is a way that I can help?
    HoOhLugia, let's see...
    For the first question, I don't remember very many of the school projects I've done, so I don't think I can answer that one.
    For the second question...no, I don't. I should. I do remember that Australia is 16 hours ahead of me, though. So I think when I post this, it's approximately... a quarter to midnight in your time.
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