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  • HoOhLugia, I didn't have anything particular in mind, right now. You seem to be really good with choosing subjects.
    Though, one question that comes to mind is: do you like or listen to classical music at all?
    HoOhLugia, yeah - Eragon is a novel about dragons going extinct and chosen ones. Never heard of Silver Brumby, though.
    HoOhLugia, yes, that is true, but what causes it? Inability to navigate? Strong fog or maybe even EM waves? What about it makes it so disastrous?
    HoOhLugia, I know of the Bermuda Triangle, yes. I need to read up on it more; I don't know as much about it as I'd like.
    Look at the word 'site' in one of my earlier comments. I put the link there.
    I have heard of the Great Barrier Reef, yes. It's the world's largest aggregate of living creatures, correct?
    HoOhLugia, yeah, I'll bet! One of these days you need to use that site to do more Mad Libs and share them with peeps.
    HoOhLugia, I absolutely love them. I even found a site where you can create your own with friends!
    Every time I do a Mad Lib with friends, I seem to double over in laughter.
    HoOhLugia, I'd say it's small. It's only a one-story condominium, which aren't usually that large to begin with. It's not exactly starved for space, but it's not giant either. So...I guess average?
    HoOhLugia, well, many things are hot in comparison to Pluto. It's mostly because Pluto is so far away from the Sun that it barely gets any light/heat from it. It takes...I think about a year and a half for light from the Sun to reach Pluto.

    Do you know why the weather seems to change yearly where you are?
    HoOhLugia, indeed, Antarctica is a desert. It's a place that (by definition) gets relatively little rainfall per year, yes?
    Technically I live in a desert, but it's a nice desert. We get large amounts of rain about...3 times per year, maybe? Small downpours are random and throughout the year, but generally don't last long.
    HoOhLugia, oh, yowch. That would mean it's also pretty dry over there, correct?
    HoOhLugia, so you're both going to be publishing a book? Will the books be related in any way (story-wise, for example) or be completely separate?

    An Aboriginal-style artwork, you say? And it's hot over there? It is nearing summer where you are, right?
    HoOhLugia, wait, you're going to publish your book as well? Wow, that's quite impressive! I know another young person who's published her book as well, so hey, anything is possible! If you decide to go through with it, I wish you nothing but the best.
    HoOhLugia, that sounds like a really cool rock. Kinda jealous, really, that you guys have something that awesome-looking. Australia has a bunch of neat and exclusive things.

    HoOhLugia, the Wave Rock, you say? I haven't heard about that; what is it?

    As for climate change, I don't think global warming would be only factor. If the area that you live in has had that kind of random climate for a while, then it'd be business as usual. Though, deforestation can be a legitimate cause, since it increases the impact of moving air (iirc) which controls weather in part.

    I guess the 'twin sense' is a real thing!
    HoOhLugia, oh, okay. Wasn't sure which of the two you had.

    Yeah, I suppose rapidly fluctuating temperature would make one feel unwell. Just when you get used to things, bam.

    Ah, so you uncovered the Jenolan Caves mostly by coincidence! And what a wonderful coincidence it has been, no?

    And are you two really that much alike?
    HoOhLugia, it's a nice country, but it's also a very big one. From state to state, weather, temperature, climate, and even population density can vary extremely.
    I'm grateful that I live in a state with 'normal' weather. I have it easy and I know it, and I'm thankful for it. California does have wildfires during the dry season, though, in certain areas.

    Though, Australia is definitely a very special country, mostly due to the wildlife you find there. I hear alligators sometimes roam around cities. (It's not exactly unheard of in some parts of the US, but it's pretty jarring nonetheless.)
    And I thought Liverpool was in England.

    Only once, huh...? Wow, I could have sworn you would have gone there more than once, given how much you go on about it.

    I only have one issue with that narrative excerpt of yours: it's spelt 'peaks', not 'peeks'. :p Otherwise, it's quite superb!
    HoOhLugia, I do live in the USA, yes. I'm on the west coast; the weather here is nice mostly because it's fairly predictable and nothing really crazy happens. There might be freak rainstorms and heat waves but that's about it - there isn't much to worry about weather-wise. It's why I love it here.

    Another Jenolan Caves trip? You two go there quite a lot, don't you? :p And you say a cathedral made out of limestone was there? Underground and everything? You sure? What was it like?

    That is...a rather interesting narrative. So, the emerald sphere is not just a fancy object, but rather an egg. How is the progress on the narrative coming, and how long do you project it will be? Is it just a one-shot?
    HoOhLugia, that's understandable. Glad to hear you are both feeling better!
    ...I assume the downside of you two always being together is that if 1 of you catches something, the other gets it too. =/
    I feel like there isn't really much love in the games anymore, and it's becoming less and less enjoyable for me. It has gotten to the point where I am incapable of enjoying Pokemon any longer.

    And that's why I have quit - TCG and VG alike.
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