Hydro Cannon
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  • Hydro Cannon, I'm looking for a job :[

    As for the tattoos, I'm guessing you are talking about Leviticus 19:28 that says: "You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord”

    A lot of people like to justify that by explaining that we are no longer under the law of Moses or the Old Testament's laws - now we are under the laws of Christ as he set an example for us. And while I agree that is true, I think that Christians should look further before inking their bodies.

    For example, if you look at the historical reason for the book of Leviticus, one of the main purposes of that particular verse and the ones surrounding it was to deal with the pagan rituals and religious beliefs. This law against piercings and cuttings was one of the laws against the pagan rituals.

    Keep reading: it goes on to say in versed 26: "Do not eat meat that has not been drained of its blood," and verse 27, "Do not trim off the hair on your temples or trim your beards."

    But we don't follow that anymore hahah. This was just a direct command to the Pagans to make them stop their senseless rituals. But we should still look to this historical text as an example. I personally don't think God wants us to walk around all tatted up if it does not do anything to glorify Him.

    If anyone gets a tattoo, it should be a Christian symbol used to show their devotion. It can be used to open a story or start an example to use in ministry as I mentioned before. I actually dislike the idea of tattoos, but I think if I had 'serve' or לשרת on my wrist, not only can I share my ambitions to serve as Christ did, but I can remind myself daily when I see it that I need to devote my life as service to God.
    Yeah that was me haha. The thing started in Skype but soon turned into a thread on these forums. But we lost a lot of activity and eventually all of the clans and clubs were closed anyways. Me and my previous co-leader (and very good friend) Bippa are planning to start the group again on Skype. Maybe a once-weekly thing so that we won't have activity problems.

    Your own bible study with your friend sounds like a really cool thing. That's an awesome commitment. Nice to meet you too!
    Hydro Cannon, Haha no problem at all. I'm Zach, 17, and I share your passion haha. You can call me Zach or safariblade or whatever, I don't mind.

    Do you remember when I was doing my bible study on Pokebeach called 'Bible Time'?
    Hydro Cannon, Haha thanks man. We'll have to talk some more and more often. I know your username (and old username) from the forums of course but we haven't really talked until now.
    Hydro Cannon, Feel free to do that if you wish.
    Yeah I enjoy being intentional with my faith. :]
    The Hebrew is good because people ask about it and I get to explain like I just did to you. It's an ice breaker that isn't forced on someone uncomfortably. For this reason, I want to get a small, simple, yet notable Hebrew tattoo. Perhaps on my wrist.
    It can be a great way to introduce a conversation that can lead to small-scale ministry.
    safariblade, I'm pretty sure that's right! I can try and make the proper Hebrew for it, and let you know? :) if your interested!

    Glad to see another fellow Christian bold to share his colors! :)
    Hydro Cannon, I'm not sure how correct it is, but my intentions were for it to mean "Swimming upstream towards Christ"

    Hebrew is so cool, I wish I studied it haha.
    Hydro Cannon,
    That's the reason why I'm pre-ordering it.
    I don't plan on selling since the game is going to cost me about $80+ and the reason it's so high is because of the card.
    Hydro Cannon, PMing right now! Thanks, you really saved my success at states :)
    Hydro Cannon, If you send it through fast shipping, I could do all three.
    Hydro Cannon, Ooh. Considering that I value each of the Japanese Victory Medal Cards at $10 each, and the FA N at $10, too, and the fact that Zekrom-EX is going for $20 on Troll and Toad, I could let you do any two of those for it. Does that sound fair to you?
    Hydro Cannon, sure... honestly I don't really need the shaymin. Would you take my DS complete (minus 1 trainer) + 2 JPN Exs of your choosing for the UR chandelure only?
    Hydro Cannon, also I have a near complete team rocket set (includes holo charizard) missing 4 holos and 1 rare I would value around $40 if you want to put that in the deal.
    Hydro Cannon, There are three in the DS set, i'm missing exp. share. They are the hardest cards to find in the set usually, but you should be able to find just the final one. I don't have an extra groudon EX.
    Hydro Cannon, I can do that if the something else is small... or you can wait and I'll throw in fast ticket/super rod from DS once I receive them in the mail.
    Hydro Cannon,

    How about my complete DS (minus trainer cards) $25 + 2x reg EX cards $25 + Thundurus BW1 FA (non 1ed) $10 + JPN southern islands sets (flowers,sea, jungle)


    DS complete (minus trainer) $25 + Gym Challenge near complete (missing 4 rare, 12 holo) $50?

    Or you know, mess around with those till you find a combination you like.
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