RogueChomp Aug 2, 2012 I beat Empoleon with GarboHammers. garbodor helps A LOT. I'd say the matchup is 65-35 Empoleons favor depending on the switch count and if they play Terra EX or not (this one did).
I beat Empoleon with GarboHammers. garbodor helps A LOT. I'd say the matchup is 65-35 Empoleons favor depending on the switch count and if they play Terra EX or not (this one did).
C C Celebi23 Aug 1, 2012 iisnumber12, I left that decision up to the people who are TCG mods, so we'll see. It'll probably take them a week or so to decide.
iisnumber12, I left that decision up to the people who are TCG mods, so we'll see. It'll probably take them a week or so to decide.
M M MrGatr Jul 31, 2012 iisnumber12, Yeah... I've been trying to find a deck with it, kinda like my other jumpluff deck (Jumpy/ Empo) Sad all these cool cards get waisted because we don't have BTS
iisnumber12, Yeah... I've been trying to find a deck with it, kinda like my other jumpluff deck (Jumpy/ Empo) Sad all these cool cards get waisted because we don't have BTS
M M MrGatr Jul 31, 2012 iisnumber12, MewAccelgor Good Luck, and don't make ppl as mad as I was Our match came down to if you could get that mew back out
iisnumber12, MewAccelgor Good Luck, and don't make ppl as mad as I was Our match came down to if you could get that mew back out