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  • If you really want people to see the speech, stick it in your bio.
    That way, it won't get buried in profile comments. Just a thought.
    Snivylover555, I can't find your speech to put in my sig. It disappeared from your comments. Can you post it on my profile? :) Thankees!!!
    Nice speech Snivy! I agree with everyone and think you presented your points very effectivly (bad spelling :( ) May I put it in my siggy in place of mine? I'll say you wrote it :)
    Hmmmm I feel like writing a speech...the place is fine as is. People enjoy there time here and we keep getting members to come back regularly so why get rid of what they like...who cares what you are known for, we have creative and unique members that express it in different ways. The game corner might not be the most important but it lets us relax and get to know each other. Trade now thread should go...not the trading corner. It helps get fair trades and see what you want and what others will offer. GROUPS?! Why would you delete that?! Yaaaa that is obvious...it allows you to find people to talk about your interests instead of scrounging for a thread somewhere :/. This change will do more damage than good...ya it will make everyone more focused but it will also make the place boring...very boring
    Snivylover555, Haha yeah, although it's kind of funny that I did because I almost never go to the Writers Corner.

    I shall try my best to. If you ever get the feeling that I'm not staying up with the story don't be afraid to give me a poke as a reminder. ;3
    Snivylover555, there are a few ways to go about it; you could post on an s-mod's profile that speech (or link to it), though I don't know how many comments they've had about it. Yours is pretty constructive though.

    I personally think the Groups forum should stay for reasons that I've brought up with the staff before. I'm impartial in regards to the rest.
    Me wrote a speech~

    Dear smods and all,

    I really don't think that the Game Corner, Pokemon Trading, PokéBeach Groups, Slateport Market, and Gaming activities should be deleted/closed. The Game Corner allows us members to be free and post fun games. The Ban Game for example is very important to some of us. It lets us be free and have fun. And sometimes it lets us come together and get to know each other more and more. Pokemon Trading, very important. Yes the Trade Now thread is a good thread. But having separate threads that are personalized are a great deal of help, that way you state what Pokemon you have and what you want. Plus it doesn't hog the whole thread saying "Do you have a shiny Snivy?" "Uh no." "A shiny Servine?" "Nope." and so forth. PokéBeach Groups let the members come together, so that haters don't post and spam in the one thread. Like when the MLP group wasn't official it was spammed. But now the problems over with. Slateport Market, where people request banners and avatars. Now this is very important. People can request one specific person for an avatar or banner. Gaming activities are important as well. How can we keep informed about different tournaments? All these are needed for their own purpose. They all should stay. They keep this forum alive! So please hear us through!
    Snivylover555, Yes, exactly. I'm glad you understand what I'm saying. Now to get the rest of the game forum community to agree...

    Edit: And now you have a new signature. Haha, awesome!
    Snivylover555, Yeah exactly! I remember when people complained about the new forum layout. All it took was a little getting used to and everything was fine. I know this isn't the same exact type of thing but you can try to have the same mindset. Give it time, I know it will only get better. =]

    Haha you're welcome, oh and I forgot to say this last time but I think your new avatar is awesome. =D
    Snivylover555, I see, if that's not a sign of sickness I don't know what is... Hope you get better soon.

    Everyone needs to embrace the changes. Changes are being made to help the forums, not hurt them. If people don't focus on the bad that it could be doing and focus on the good things that can come out of it things would be even better. Just have to look on the bright side of things. =]
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