Keeper of Night
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  • Keeper of Night, but it gets the point across.

    At least it wasn't Nigel. He actually spoiled chapter 9 in the Skype room. I told him to stfu and gtfo for saying the spoiler in public.
    Keeper of Night, this is why we Emblemites don't tell anyone what the plot is. It's better you see for yourself.


    'nuff said.
    What exactly is Generations? There's no description for it :s
    Well, you could always get a few teams together and just use them at will then so challengers never know what they're going against :)
    I have applied, I put three options down but I highly stressed that the only one suitable for me is the Standard OU and it is in the best interest of everybody to not give me any of the other positions :)

    I hope you get the position you want man :)
    I suppose I could have asked that question in a better way :p
    I did mean what was camp for, we don't have things like that over here :p
    Wow man, you are super busy! How do you have the energy for ALL of that? :O

    We have to apply for three so there's no point in me applying because I'm only interested in the one position :(
    Mono-type is cool if that floats your boat though. You can have some good fun with teams :)

    Thanks for that Vaporeon heal too, it really needs all the help it can get :)
    Sorry man, didn't realise you were so busy atm. Forgive me for being British here but what exactly is "camp"?
    Keeper of Night, first requirement of playing Fire Emblem:

    Know what you're doing.

    If you don't, either start knowing, or stop playing. Fire Emblem is not exactly a casual game (though it can be) - it's known for its difficulty above all else.
    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're a newbie
    that explains why.

    As far as Awakening goes, it's about average in terms of difficulty - and the skill farming aspect makes it even easier to bear.
    But the DLC and the final SpotPass maps are incredibly hard, and only if you want a real challenge. Apotheosis is just a bragging point.
    Keeper of Night, I meant the part about you playing on Classic and having so many people dying that it's afraid of making you play on Classic.

    I noticed you're not really playing the Water round dude, would really appreciate it if you could throw some Heals to Vaporeon please :D
    Keeper of Night, used to. I never actually quit - I just never got back into the swing of it.
    Yeah, so far I've gotten Kjelle, Morgan, and Yarne. I'm trying to get a couple more couples to marry so I can get some of their children as well.
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