Keeper of Night
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  • Keeper of Night, So you're asking "If Chrom has a C support with Sumia, but Sumia has an A support with Frederick, will Chrom marry Sumia?"

    And the answer is Yes. The game only checks to see Chrom's highest support. He marries his highest leveled support after Chapter 11. However, if his highest level support has an S rank with someone else, Chrom cannot marry that women.


    Chrom C support with Sumia. Frederick A support with Sumia = Chrom marries Sumia.

    Chrom C support with Sumia. Frederick S support with Sumia = Chrom cannot marry Sumia.

    In Ch.11, Chrom's last potential wife becomes playable. So don't fret if Sumia, Maribelle and Sully are all married.
    I recognize that worm and wurm could mean the same thing, but "wurm" makes it more obvious that it means the dragon-like variety. Just clarifying :)
    Haha, when using it with Sheer Force though be aware you take recoil if the move isn't boosted by Sheer Force.

    U-Turn being a prime example.
    Nah man, that's why Zam will either be using Sash or Life Orb. The same happens with Sheer Force.
    I suppose the immunity to Paralysis is awesome but if you don't Trick 1st turn you kind of give yourself away :/
    But... You don't take Life Orb damage with Magic Guard :s

    Yeah, it takes up two move slots then though which means I can't run a double Wisheon core :p
    Watch this super fun team I randomly put together, I've won everything 4-0 so far lol.


    Pretty sure you could easily get one of those but is the Flame Orb really worth it? :p
    It does, but I use Espeon as my Dual Screener because it's quick :)
    I have the Honedge you wanted. As a bonus, it also has a 0 in Sp.Atk along with the Speed. Just let me know when you are ready to trade. Though, I still have to check my boxes of ralts for a 4 IV one.
    No Leftovers or Life Orb for Reuniclus? That thing seriously hits like a truck.

    I was thinking Wish, Calm Mind, Moonblast, Toxic or something to that effect for Sylveon.
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