B B Buzzword Jan 8, 2014 Sorry, computer hiccup... If the Solosis happens to be 31/x/31/31/31/0, then I would like it to be named Osteoblast.
Sorry, computer hiccup... If the Solosis happens to be 31/x/31/31/31/0, then I would like it to be named Osteoblast.
B B Buzzword Jan 8, 2014 Keeper of Night, Unless the Solosis is 31/x/31/31/31/x, a nickname isn't needed. If, in the off chance it is, However I would like the Drillbur nicknamed Kythona.
Keeper of Night, Unless the Solosis is 31/x/31/31/31/x, a nickname isn't needed. If, in the off chance it is, However I would like the Drillbur nicknamed Kythona.
King Xerneas Jan 5, 2014 Thanks for the help I have a slight obsession over Milotic XD It's basically my signature Pokemon.
King Xerneas Jan 5, 2014 Yah I just got this one through a trade. Spent like 2 weeks trying to get a 5IV eevee.
King Xerneas Jan 5, 2014 Hi I was wondering if you could help me evolve my Feebas?? I saw you were online so I thought I should ask
Hi I was wondering if you could help me evolve my Feebas?? I saw you were online so I thought I should ask
Reggie McGigas Jan 5, 2014 Can you help me in my pokemon x game? I've beaten 4 gyms now and I've taken a break from the storyline so I can update my nuzlocke. and I' m trying my hand at chain fishing. I need to borrow a smoke ball so my suction cups pokemon can flee right away. Thanks!
Can you help me in my pokemon x game? I've beaten 4 gyms now and I've taken a break from the storyline so I can update my nuzlocke. and I' m trying my hand at chain fishing. I need to borrow a smoke ball so my suction cups pokemon can flee right away. Thanks!
Scorched Feathers Jan 4, 2014 Keeper of Night, h-how... 1 members does not like this: [mod]Lord Fletchling[/mod]
Scorched Feathers Jan 4, 2014 Keeper of Night, your soul shall be harvested. 1 member likes this: [mod]Lord Fletchling[/mod]