Keeper of Night
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  • After the amount of 2 IVs I caught, I don't have the patience to catch a load of them again.
    Yeah, the one I'm not breeding from atm has 31/x/x/31/31/x
    Yeah sure, it's Bold nature though.
    Sorry the one I gave you was Naive, the only thing you can breed Staryu with is Ditto so it takes a while.
    I have 2 boxes full of 2/3 IV Dittos with a range of natures and then I have 3 main ones I use for breeding but their natures are useless lol.
    I've had to use an Ability Capsule on it because my patience went lol.
    I'll send you a request when I get home :)
    Awwww dude, I would have taken one of the males to save you the time :)
    I'm gonna breed for an hour now, if I don't get the right one I'll just buy an Ability Capsule to use on one of the 5IVs that hatched :)
    Update: I'm ready to slit my wrists...

    My patience has gone, the only 5 IVs I'm getting are Illuminate. I have 4 IV Natural Cure ones but I'm done trying to get a 5 IV one today. I'll try again tomorrow, sorry it's taking so long.
    I know, but I'd like to give you something in return for it :)
    I'm breeding atm, I'm only getting 4IV with Natural Cure. Will let you know when I finally get the 5 IV with the right ability :)
    Thank you very much :)
    I played terribly though, I shouldn't have battled last night.

    I've got to breed your Staryu, it might take a while to get the 5th IV on it. I have a female 4 IV Timid Anticipation Wish Eevee if you'd like that for the Frillish?
    We're gonna have to wait again as I was having my lunch at a place with wifi. But I'll be home in about 3 or 4 hours.
    Keeper of Night, thanks again.

    I also only used Fennekin to boost Goomy to level 5- It was at level 1 when I recived it.
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