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  • Lil Wayne, Unfortunately I don't.

    Do you mean Entei #34?

    I could do:
    RH Eviolite
    Entei #34
    Erika's Dragonair (1st edition)

    For your:
    Victini FA
    Lil Wayne, I've got:

    Electabuzz #2
    Mewtwo #3
    Pikachu #4
    Dragonite #5
    Mew #8
    Meowth #10
    Moltres #21
    Articuno #22
    Zapdos #23
    Pikachu #27
    Entei #34

    I've also got Erika's Dragonair from Gym Heroes. Mine is Gem mint and 1st edition though so I'd probably value that a little higher than Victini FA. :p
    Sorry to post so much on your profile. :p

    Maybe would you do:
    RH Eviolite
    10 or so WoTC Promos
    Vileplume UD?
    I just confirmed a deal for all my codes.

    I have 12 left but I don't know if they were used or not since I got them free.

    Would you be interested in 10-12 WoTC Promos or maybe check my list?

    I don't mind putting the trade in your favor since I don't have a whole lot to work with..
    Lil Wayne, I only need the one so we're good. :D

    How about:
    RH Eviolite
    20x Unused Codes

    Victini FA
    Lil Wayne, I have a single RH Eviolite but that's about it. I could add a lot of codes and Electabuzz ex to make it worthwhile for you. I desperately need the Victini FA. :p

    Edit: I also have 2x regular PokéGear 3.0 and 2x regular Cheren. :D
    Lil Wayne,
    The only new card I play in mine is Mewtwo EX, but others could be Shaymin EX, EXP Share, Skyarrow Bridge, and probably some others. My mom is slowly learning but barely knows how to play still, but she did agree to go to the prerelease!
    Lil Wayne,
    Either Magneels or 6 Corners. My mom supports me, especially since I taught her how to play and she saw how strategic a game it is :D
    Lil Wayne,
    Yes I definitely understand. I'm really stressed/excited for states since if I win it means I get to go to Worlds. I'll try and see if I can send tonight.
    Lil Wayne,

    Not yet, but I should tommorrow. Sorry, it's been a very hectic week at school.
    Lil Wayne, well, if I can find 37 cents, maybe we could work something out my duct tape, for all your N's

    Hey, do you have any old Raikou's or new ones?
    *Martini hit a hole in money, he's broke D:*

    IDK, I'm actually getting most of the stuff I need for my eelzone deck, and my Durant deck sometime this week :D
    Wait, the triangle foil? Is that the foil like the rest of the cards in the set? Or the one like Regice, Regirock, Registeel ex from hidden legends?
    Hey, a few things:

    1) Did you send the Kyogre *?
    2) I replied to you in my thread about the P!P collectors :p
    3) You have all three legendary bird ex's in that cosmos foil?
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