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  • Probably tomorrow then. Sometimes we dont get the mail right away because the front desk has to sort it when they get it and they dont always do it as soon as they get it. I have the codes and I'll send you all the promo's I have left that you still need and do you need something other than the Shaymin since you aren't using the deck anymore? I'd be more than willing to give you something else as long as the stuff comes in.
    Techdeck101, Thanks. All credit goes to Meaty for finding it and suggesting me change to it so we can be twins. ;p
    Maybe we can get together for a game on PlayTCG i think I might have played you on there, I battled a Cake deck before
    Right now I'm either doing a crazy Victini (VBlast) deck that I made or Audino lol Cubone Rush and Durant seem fun to play too but i have until January to decide
    dang i need shaymins so badly. seems like youre already getting a DS tho. so, good luck with that one.
    Original Nintendo DS (Damaged as described with L and R keys)
    Case for Nintendo DS games
    Action Replay (Cheat engine, may not work as I haven't tested it)

    1x Pachirisu
    2x Shaymin
    2x Pokemon Catcher
    4x DCE League Promo
    1x Electabuzz ex (Honestly I don't know if this is still in the deal or not :p)
    can take out the tornadus' and mew prime and replace with candies and shaymins and i can do the DS deal.
    x2 Gothittelle (x1 RH) = $14.00
    x10 Junk Arm (5.00 each) = $50.00
    x2 Cleffa. (2.00 each) = $4.00
    x1 Kingdra Prime = $13.00
    x2 NH Tornadus (4.00 each) = $8.00
    x2 RH Tournadus (6.00 each) = $12.00
    x2 Pokemon Catcher (10.00 each) = $20.00 (121.00)
    x1 Mew Prime $20.00

    dont really need tornadus', i need rare candies and shaymins.
    Good news. Found the original Nintendo DS charger.

    If you're still interested send me a PM sometime to confirm. :)
    Techdeck101, It's basically a cheat engine that let's you put cheats on games for the Nintendo DS. All you need to have a working DS is a charger and of course the DS itself. Most games don't really use the L and R buttons (Pokémon doesn't except for shortcut keys). However, there are a few games that do use them so I thought it best you know. Sometimes it can be a pain to get them working.
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