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  • Techdeck101, Unfortunately I do not know if I still have the charger.. I may have misplaced it. I'm going to look for it and if I have it I will definitely send it. (A charger is no good without a DS! :p) I'm going to throw-in a case for holding games as well as a DS Action Replay which was supposed to be a surprise. The Action Replay I bought from a friend awhile back so I can't guarantee it still works.
    Techdeck101, Thanks! I'll also include a little surprise for ya if we go through with this. It's for the DS. :)
    Techdeck101, It will not work at all sometimes but after fiddling around with it I've gotten it to work for awhile. :D
    Oh you meant what's wrong with the DS? Just the L and R (not even sure if it's both or just one) keys don't work as they should. I'm pretty sure they can be fixed, might just be something inside keeping it from registering.
    Techdeck101, Nothing I was just having second thoughts because I'm essentially trading a video game console for 7 or 8 cards really. What do you think of that last offer?
    Think we could do:
    1x Pachirisu
    2x Shaymin
    2x Pokémon Catcher
    4x DCE League Promo
    1x Electabuzz ex

    For the Nintendo DS? Feel free to counter as well. :)
    Techdeck101, In that case:

    Nintendo DS

    1x Pachirisu $18
    2x Shaymin $24
    2x Pokémon Catcher (Not RH) $20
    4x DCE League Promo $8
    Total: $70
    How about..

    Nintendo DS

    1x Pachirisu $18
    2x Shaymin $24
    2x Pokémon Catcher (Not RH) $14
    4x DCE League Promo $8
    1x Electabuzz ex $4
    Total: $68
    Techdeck101, That's fine if you don't have Collector. Do you have any other good TSS or ZPST staples?

    I'm going by this for Pachirisu: Ebay

    Maybe $16-18 for Pachirisu would be more fair as I see a buy it now for $17.

    Cool! I understand now I think. Do you think we could do something like:

    Nintendo DS $70

    1x Pachirisu $14
    2x Shaymin $24
    4x Collector $20
    4x DCE League Promo $8
    1x Electabuzz ex $4
    Total: $70
    I really don't need any Donphan Primes but I was hoping to get ZPST stuff.

    Is that still possible? :)
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