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  • lilmissblcksunshine, *thinks about posting the text convo* :p

    I hope the corn comes needs to come back...IT NEEDS TO NOW!!
    lilmissblcksunshine, Lol you flipped out when I posted that on your profile...just so you all know...ALL OF YOU!!!
    lilmissblcksunshine, Lol I guess that's one way to look at it. Come to my profile! I'm unpredictable! xP Randomness is alright as long as you don't use its power constantly. =P Haha, but I'm sure I spend a lot more time than you do on this website. ;D
    lilmissblcksunshine, :p I should link to your profile so that you get more attention...until you explode O_O...ok I won't link to your profile...we don't need you to explode...
    lilmissblcksunshine, I really don't know anymore... Maybe I should just be quiet lol. Yes, it was very random, but that's what you get when you talk to me. =P Oh and yes, I'm pretty sure you can. You probably have no idea how much time I spend on this website. I don't even think I realize how much time I spend on here... .-.
    lilmissblcksunshine, Fine be like that. I think you secretly want it to stay a mystery... ;_; Kind of reminds me of that question people like to ask me. "Do you really have an Afro? o_O" =P The (internet) world may never know... :O

    Oops sorry, that was completely off topic. My mind must be everywhere right now. Maybe I've been on Pokebeach a little too long... o.o
    lilmissblcksunshine, Yeah who knows... But don't worry, I'll probably go on your profile from time to time just to bug you about it maybe one of us will find out one day... =]
    Thank you :).how r u today?Happy late birthday.i would have said that yesterday but i had a terrible headache and didnt think straight.
    lilmissblcksunshine, Oh okay, well that's still nice. Sometimes you don't need a party to have fun on your birthday. =] Pffft, I don't know, I was just wondering if you wanted to know, I never said I knew what it was. xP Talking could be the answer first step. o: Or maybe there is no true first step... o_O
    Quite popular today weren't you :p

    Edit: I now is 12:53 so ya...quite popular yesterday weren't you :p
    lilmissblcksunshine, Hmmmm that is just every day of my life :p. I ordered at McDonalds today in an australian accent...because I could :D
    lilmissblcksunshine, Lol you're welcome. :] Glad you had a good birthday. Did you do anything cool or exciting? o.0 Maybe I need to work on being less weird. =P Do you want to know what the first step to becoming friends is? :O
    -Techno Beat-
    ~Ha Ha Ha Ha HappyHa Ha Ha Happy~
    ~To To To Yooooooouuuuu~
    Happy Birthday, lilmissblcksunshine! ^.^ We don't really know each other but we could always try changing that. ;] Whoa whoa, that sounded really creepy... o.o Heh heh... Hope you have a good day that fulfills your birthday expectations lol.

    *Afro-G slowly backs away and then proceeds to run*
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