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  • I really have no explanation for it either.
    Actually, I have no idea how the entire concept of bronies works. I mean really, I would have said you were crazy if you told me I would watch (and enjoy!) MLP:FiM a year ago. But whatever it is, I like it. As far as I'm concerned, it has nothing to do with sex, which is a very common misconception that I hate.
    I know 10 bronies in real life, and it's funny because I have an awesome sports coach who I heard whistling the theme song last week during my athletics period.
    Yep! One time, I started watching MLP:FiM with my dad sitting across the room, and just before I started the video I noticed my ear plugs weren't in. That would've been awkward! Yeah, it's gotten tough for me to be a secret, cause sometimes you just want to tell everybody. But yeah, I never tell.
    Me too, I couldn't and wouldn't watch it at all until Jirachi gave me a netbook. Then I became a brony, and the story of how is kinda long... But you know what?
    (dunno if your a pegasister or not, but you'll probably like the song in any case, it's REALLY good. Gosh, I haven't heard this song for half a year now, it's bringing back sweet memories... *wipes tears*)
    But yeah, I've been able to hide the fact I watch it from my non-brony friends and my family... I just don't know how to let them know about it, I'm a pretty bad speaker, so I'm kinda scared.
    Lucky Fire, I rarely play in tournaments, actually. I normally judge them instead. (Today I might be doing either; I'm not sure which yet.)

    Why'd I pick it? Because Shirley the Buneary is adorable.
    And with that I have to leave for Battle Roads, so see you tomorrow Lucky!
    Lucky Fire, mostly because I only write when I am compelled to do so. I also like writing things on my own terms, and I feel like contests are just a restriction for me. It's not something I would enjoy doing very much.

    I'm also not exactly fond of competition; I like to try and do things on my own terms.
    Lucky Fire, if you want. I have to leave in 10 minutes for a tourney though, so make it quick if you can. But talking to you is always a pleasure.
    Lucky Fire, technically, yes.

    ...Gasoline isn't imported from China; most of what we get is from the Arabian Peninsula and Alaska. Venezuela has a lot of oil too but I'm not sure if the US is on good terms with them as far as oil trade goes...
    Lucky Fire, a lot of things are made in China due to the (very) low cost of labor, then assembled and shipped to other countries.

    The list of things made there is near endless.
    Lucky Fire, Lego started in Denmark. I'm pretty sure they weren't made in China, but I could be wrong because a lot of things are made in China. I think they're made in Mexico now, though.

    The 'moment of a sentence'? I guess that makes sense, yes.
    Lucky Fire, Carlsbad is a city in California - it's the first city in the USA to have one. The first Legoland was in Billund in Denmark, and the second in Windsor, England (which I've also been to). There's also one in Germany but I forgot the city.

    Wait, you can draw scenes? That's very nice! How are they looking?
    Lucky Fire, ...I shouldn't be surprised. Wait, I think I remember; didn't it open up a couple years ago? And it's in Orlando too, if I'm not mistaken. (I'm just so used to Carlsbad because that's the one I have gone too in the past.)

    How am I doing? I've got a tournament in about an hour or so, but I managed to crank out Apprentice ch 4, with ch 5 rapidly on the way. I was feeling a bit bored online waiting for one of my friends to show up...and lo and behold, here you are.
    Lucky Fire, DisneyWorld is in Orlando, FL, and Legoland is in Carlsbad, CA. They're on opposite halves of the nation.
    So which one is it?
    Lucky Fire, *LG transforms into Phantom Giratina and vanishes to the Lost World.*
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