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  • Lucky Fire, Servine is trapped, LOL.

    *Phantom Gira used Lost Void to put all pokemon into slumber*
    Lucky Fire, Phantom Gira is in the Lost World. :p

    *Ripples started happening on the ground. 4 tentacles started to coil around Servine and trapped him. The tentacles started descending as the ripples started to close.*
    Lucky Fire, relating to Pokebeach? Not as far as I know. Pokebeach is mostly the same for me, really; there's nothing that's surprised me much.
    Why would you think that?
    Lucky Fire, *Adrenaline courses through Giratina as he transforms into Phantom Giratina. Phantom Gira vanished.*
    I'm one of those writers that almost emmediately "fizzled out" I kinda lost ideas for White Diamond, which I later GOT ideas for...yeah. I was actually thinking of continuing it
    Lucky Fire, If I had the courage to put up my fanfics (*cowers in corner in fear of Zyflair and his advanced words I dont know*) I certainly would...but I'm too chicken to do it...
    Lucky Fire, I'd rather see existing writers continuing than new ones showing up and fizzling out.
    Lucky Fire, ah, thanks for reminding me, apprentice! It has been about three weeks after all.
    I'll get the next chapter up right away!
    Lucky Fire, I do not post any story in the Writer's Corner unless it is 100% finished beforehand. I don't want to start, then lose steam, then let it collect dust.

    If it collects dust, it won't be my fault!
    Lucky Fire, it's 16 chapters long. I only posted 2 on Pokebeach because no one was really paying attention to it much.
    If you want to read the whole thing I posted it off-site.
    Technically that topic has draft 1. Draft 2 is what I was going to post on PB but never really finished it. Draft 2 cleaned up most of the paragraphs and generally looks more "complete".
    Lucky Fire, not sure if it's been lost to the sands of time or not. Let's see.

    Ah, here it is: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=67733
    Oh, I only posted 2. Go figure. I posted the entirety of it on another site, I know that much...
    Lucky Fire, about 5 years ago or so, I made a small story arc based in a PMD-style world. I posted about 4 chapters of one here; it's called "Apocalypse Rising". Interestingly enough, that's the third out of three I finished for that series. I tried with two sequels after that, but they never got off the ground.
    Lucky Fire, a few of them are, yes. Although, most of them had nothing to do with Nightmare at all.
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