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  • Lucky Fire, if you want to send me ideas in a PM, feel free.

    A dream, hm? I've had unusual dreams like that before that I've made into stories as well. How's it looking so far?
    Lucky Fire, hey, if you're just suggesting ideas, I don't consider that interfering.

    How am I? A bit drowsy for some reason, but I'm free from classes for about a month or so (yay!). Tomorrow I've got a tournament, which I'm not sure whether I'm playing or judging (I'll find out, though.)

    And you?
    Lucky Fire, it is Shadow Lugia. It's nice though. Actually, I love it. I am envious.
    Lucky Fire, it's because I would like to keep writing ideas a secret, since they might technically be considered spoilers. You understand, right?
    Lucky Fire, what I think is immaterial right now. The question is, do you think you can do well?
    Lucky Fire, ah, if I told you, that would be a spoiler, wouldn't it? :p

    And you only have a week left? That's cool.
    Lucky Fire, how am I doing? A bit sleepy, and thinking of writing ideas and such. I have my last final tomorrow and then I'll be free for the semester.

    Lucky Fire, I try to use mostly original ideas in my fics, instead of relying majorly on what is seen in the main series games.

    I have come to a decision, though - I'm going to roll with the Cresselia Pacter idea.
    Lucky Fire, ...I should probably mention that I don't like cliche themes very much, so Darkrai is out of the question. I originally had a Darkrai-Cresselia themed conflict made for Nightmare, but (as with many ideas I'd planned) I scrapped it in the final draft.
    Lucky Fire, I was thinking more like "artificial", i.e. an android or life-size doll. (I suppose it's because I've been playing BlazBlue lately and I'm drawing ideas from the Puppetmaster, but I digress.)

    I want to at least try for SOME sort of humanoid figure. I could...wait a minute, I think I have it! A Cresselia Pacter...or something. I'd scrapped this idea at one point but I think I could bring it back...I think!
    I'd best make a note of this.
    Lucky Fire, disposition and personality doesn't really change much between human and Pokemon.

    I'm getting a few ideas, but I'm deciding on how to implement them. I want to try and go for a human, but like a "special" human. I'm not sure if that makes any sense to you.
    Lucky Fire, I can't legally drive by myself, since I only have a permit, not an actual license. But it wasn't driving school - it was just a quick drive around town.

    Well, either Pokemon or human. I haven't decided actually.
    Lucky Fire, driving on the freeway, especially for a practicing driver like myself, is pretty stressful. I think my heart has normalized, finally.

    And no, I wasn't born on the 29th; it was a joke.
    Right now I'm pondering on a new character to introduce in Apprentice. I know kinda what the character will be like personality wise, but I haven't decided on appearance, species, OR gender. Hmmmmmm...
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