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  • Lucky Fire, an interesting idea, but humans-as-Pokemon idea has already been done, so I'm not sure how well that would roll.

    Sneaking on the computer, I meant :p
    Lucky Fire, yeah, like a departure from the normal "get 8 badges, beat up evil team leader, become champion, rinse and repeat" storyline. B/W was a step in the right direction, but it can be taken further.

    How is having a cold odd?

    Inventing a language and sneaking on? Sounds fun.
    Fairly well now that my grandma's out of the nursing home. Also, I got a new phone last weekend.
    Lucky Fire, I'm waiting for a change of pace, actually. That's why I like a few of the spinoff titles.

    How am I? Still working on a few projects and studying for my final (it's hurting my back because I'm leaning forward a lot), then at 5pm (my time) or so I'm headed to a Bible study with my friends, after which I'll be lounging about for the whole weekend...mostly.
    And yourself?
    Lucky Fire, charm, quirk, yeah. I use those terms interchangeably.

    VG? I definitely like it; it has what has kept me going with the series thus far. It's got strategy to it but the creatures themselves I also find very endearing. Each gen has generally had a wide selection available of all the various types that are introduced. It's also allowed me to play with my favorites how I please.

    I don't know how far it'll go, but I'll roll with it.
    Lucky Fire, don't worry - the way you are now, I'm sure you'll keep it. It's part of your charm, so to speak.

    What do I think of Pokemon? Can you be more specific? What part of it are you referring to?
    Lucky Fire, looks like you have a healthy and thriving imagination. That's a very good thing; I hope you keep it with you for years to come.

    As for myself? Let's see, hanging out with friends, hearing them out and helping with their problems, listening to music, writing now and again, dabbling in the graphic arts, and children's card games...plus a few other small things that I don't recall right now.
    Lucky Fire, mostly personal stuff, really.

    11/15 is 73%. You'd need to get 14 or higher on a 15-question test to get an A on it.
    And, honestly, I don't mind helping if you need it.
    Lucky Fire, the projects are actually not school-related; they're just little things on the side I've been planning to do.

    A withering four-leaf clover? Aww, what a shame.

    Do you need any help on your subjects like math? I can help you if you want.
    Lucky Fire, well, it does and it doesn't. I have too much sentimental value attached to him to let him go, however :p

    And long time no see! I was wondering where you'd been, lately. You're only allowed on the computer at certain times, I see...?

    I'm actually doing pretty well. There's only one week of class left before I'm free to do almost whatever I've pleased. I have a few other projects going on so I have put Apprentice on hold - for now. I might get a chance this weekend to work on it, and if I do, I'm going to seize that.

    And yourself? Hope everything's okay.
    Lucky Fire, no offense taken.

    On my very first day of getting Diamond (22 Apr 2007, its day of release), I was in Eterna Forest traveling with Cheryl, and I get to the point where you pick up the Great Ball. I start to leave the grass...and I get into a double wild battle with 2 Buneary, one of each gender. And the male one's SHINY. I near freak out.

    I find out that in a double wild battle you can't capture until one of them is gone, so I get rid of the female one pretty quickly. However, you can't control the Chansey partner, so she would keep using Egg Bomb.
    It got to the point where the Chansey would kill the shiny one on the very next turn, so I select my only Great Ball, let fly, and cross my fingers.


    It's now a shiny male Lopunny on my Diamond save file. And since Lopunny are pink...you can see that it really makes no sense. (Its nature is Sassy, its ability is Klutz, and its stats are horrible...but it's shiny.)
    Lucky Fire, it's not because of the form difference (there isn't one). It's because there's an old story/running gag about shiny male Lopunny amongst my circle of friends.

    What kinds of Pokemon I prefer non-shiny? Most of them. I find shiny coloration to be ostentatious a lot, and thus I don't like them as much at times (I tend to like subdued colors more). Some Pokemon, though, I don't care either way (Gyarados is one of them).
    Lucky Fire, nope, you're wrong :p I never state Deus' age directly in Nightmare or Cycle, and in Apprentice, his age is only hinted at.

    Favorite shinies? Dusclops for sure, Slugma, Lopunny (but only if it's male), Electrode, all the Regis, Giratina, Rayquaza, and there are a few others but I can't remember them right now. Most Pokemon I prefer non-shiny, ironically enough.
    Lucky Fire, No prizes :(. They don't give prizes at prereleases, unfortunately.
    To be honest, I didn't expect this thing to make it past the tenth contest, but it's long since surpassed that. I said special edition mostly because it's a theme I wanted to put forth for a while, but didn't have the guts to until now. I may make every fifth or tenth contest a special edition from now on, though. It just depends on whether or not I can find a really good theme for them.
    Lucky Fire, it depends on the shiny. There are only a few shiny colorations I like; on my in-game team I have shiny Dusclops and Electrode, both of which I had to trade for, since getting my own shinies is near impossible unless I want to pour large amounts of somewhat-unnecessary hours into my game. (And I don't feel like doing that.)

    ...This is implying that Deus is 20 or so at the start of Nightmare. You're thinking of Cepheus. Cepheus is 24, but Deus' age is never given.
    Lucky Fire, Thanks :)

    ...and I went to a prerelease, got Groudon EX, and came in second place :p
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