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  • Lucky Fire, I always like talking about something, so go ahead.

    (Apprentice is set 30+ years after Nightmare, and the universe is mostly different, so it's not like it's totally connected. It's the same world in a different time zone, that's all. And, as usual, Deus is present.)
    Lucky Fire, I was referring to Apprentice since Nightmare and Cycle are already finished complete works.

    I certainly hope I do well in upcoming tourneys!
    I've had to put a small haitus on it again. I've update up to half of Chapter Six's second part, but haven't gotten around to finishing out what's left of it on my hard drive copy...
    No particular reason. I just like sharing the pics of them with friends is all. I wasn't trying to be snooty or anything like that if that's what you're thinking... :(
    Lucky Fire, I'm hungry, I know that much.
    As for how I'm doing I went to the prerelease yesterday (I wrote a report for it), and got Groudon EX plus a bunch of other random nonsense. Hopefully I can trade for the few cards I need for my Battle Roads deck before it begins.

    I'll probably be on later this afternoon, and between now and then I HOPE to get some writing in (and if not earlier, then later tonight instead).
    Hi, Lucky. Just wondering, but did I show you these yet?

    "I'm the monster of your dreams!!" a high-pitch growl pierced the cold night air. In the blackness, Phantom Liger pounced!
    3 chapters down. Now I need to think of how to frame #4. I've got a good idea, though...so I'm going to try and roll with it.
    *The image of Loki faded away into nothingness. What Dodge had tackled was just a mere illusion.*

    "Do you think you'll get me that easy?"

    *Loki mocked as he surrounded Dodge with his phantom forms.*
    Fairly well. I may be getting a new phone today.
    A little bored, but I was itching to start this contest anyways. Also, yeah, it's just a one-shot contest this time around. I probably will continue it through the summer if people get interested in it, but if it tanks, I guess it just can't be helped.
    I haven't gotten anything yet, but all it takes is two entries to get voting underway. Besides, it's barely been a week since it started. If nothing else, I'll be keeping this going through the summer to see if it picks up. This is just a one-shot contest, unlike how the last version actually needed entries to keep going.

    Also, I haven't been up to much lately. Work's suddenly dropped off again, so I've been spending most of my downtime either doing chores around the house or trying to make progress in my Zelda: Skyward Sword and PokePark 2 games that I got for my birthday. My family was trying to also get my grandma's home ready for her when she gets out of the nursing home next week since her rehab for her broken hip is pretty much done, but otherwise there's nothing much going on for me.
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