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  • Lucky Fire, ink is only in pens, silly :p

    It's only got four arms, actually. I think you're confusing his legs with his arms.
    Lucky Fire, I just draw with pencil and eraser - not ink :p

    He's in either Nightmare or Cycle; you'll find out.
    *screams and starts running away and suddenly uses Hyper Beam*

    Lucky Fire, You are correct about the first one - well, partly. It's a fusion of all the DP legendaries, plus Rotom (because I felt like it). I have images of RS legendary fusion and BW legendary fusion in my head, but those are going to be hard - if not impossible - for me to draw at this point in time. (The BW fusion one currently looks ridiculous.)

    The second one is a creature half-light, half-darkness...and he appears in one story of mine. You'll be meeting him eventually.
    *jumps off and falls into the ocean, becoming a sponge, who lives in pineapple under the sea, and who wears square pants*
    Lucky Fire, they don't really have parallels to anything in the real world. One is just a monstrosity; the other is just a humanoid dragon.

    Hmm, can I give suggestions? Speaking of fanfic ideas, have you come up with any at all? I haven't seen you progress yours much either.
    Lucky Fire, mostly just strange beings from a dimension beyond this one. You really wish to see?

    And sorry, I meant to say that Apprentice is set 30 years after Nightmare; my mistake.

    And good; I didn't want to spoil the ending unintentionally.
    Lucky Fire, let's see; I've drawn 2 of Apollo's Fakemon (I meant to draw a 3rd but never got around to it), a few creatures of my own design, the last boss of Final Fantasy V...and a few Fakemon sketches.

    I like to keep going with the same storyline if I can still see some potential in it; I usually don't like starting new storylines out of the blue because I like a familiar base. However, I am trying to make some significant differences to Nightmare, like more so emphasizing the future utopian world and such - it's also set 30+ years after Nightmare and Cycle, so I'm trying to distance it as much as I can.

    On a side note...I didn't tell you the ending to Nightmare, did I?
    Lucky Fire, yeah I have drawn a few things in the past. They're lying around somewhere on the Internet, but drawing is not a habit of mine so it's not something I do often.

    A new story? I believe I mentioned I was working on Apprentice, so yes I am. Or do you mean a new storyline?
    Lucky Fire, we can discuss whatever you wish. And sure, you can ask me any question.
    Lucky Fire, let's see...one's about the upper class, one's about proper exercising habits, and the third one I don't remember offhand.
    Lucky Fire, it's about 2.20pm over here. I have lunch late.

    They aren't really books, more so articles and things that I need to read for my various classes.
    Lucky Fire, the one thing I know right now is that I am hungry. I haven't had lunch yet because I had to catch up on a few things; I'll probably fix it pretty soon.

    Aside from that, still need to read a few more things for my classes and do a takehome final, but it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
    I finished chapter 2, but since that's short too I opted to combine it into a single chapter of about 2300 words in length. It doesn't say all that much so I'm not throwing myself off or anything, plus I can always change my mind later if I need to.
    Lucky Fire, ...oh. Sorry, didn't catch it.

    Special stories? There were a few, yes.

    (I need to go now; I'll be on tonight; go ahead and send me the PM and I'll get to it as soon as I can.)
    Lucky Fire, I didn't say anything about a bad reason, did I?

    And I kinda modded the WC. There were a lot more people writing stuff back then, but that's really the only difference I recall off-hand.
    Lucky Fire, oh, that.

    I was just trying to break up an argument, that's all.

    How am I? Doing all right. I don't have much on my mind right now, although sometimes lately I've been feeling frustrated for no good reason, and that saddens me a bit. Fortunately I get over it quickly...at least, I think I do.

    I'm going to meet some friends on Tuesday, and in the meantime, I'm going to see what ways I can progress Apprentice.
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