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  • Lucky Fire, yes, I mean Game Master.

    Well, not exactly distant, but I don't want to give an unfair advantage to one team because of something.

    ...Actually, you know what, that shouldn't affect it. Sure, I can answer your question; which posts were you referring to?
    Lucky Fire, let's see, Ns are about $15 apiece; the others go for about $10 apiece or so. Not like it matters too much; I don't like trading my cards for money if I can help it. Especially not my Tropical Beach; it has too much sentimental value to me.

    What I think of your team's posts? I need to be distant from the game as GM, and thus I can't really give my opinion.
    Lucky Fire, not out of the new EXs, no, but I've traded for a few. I have pulled a few full-arts from previous sets, though (3 Reshirams, one Tornadus, one Virizion, and 4 N).

    I actually do not aim for a specific wordcount when writing a chapter; rather, I try to accomplish one plot point (be it major or minor) before I close a chapter out, or get to a dramatic moment. If the plot point is especially large, I'll break it up a bit. And I only write when I feel like it, so yeah.
    Lucky Fire, Mewtwo EX is worth about $60, which is about what I got for it (I traded it away for a large stack of cards the week after I acquired it.)

    1800 words is short for me, actually. I usually average 2400 words a chapter or so, so that's why it seems shorter than normal.
    Lately I feel like trying to get enough material in a chapter without short-selling myself is rather tricky. I don't like having to embellish things because I have to (to get my word count up), but rather because I want to.
    Lucky Fire, it's a Super Rare, actually, so one step up from a normal Rare. There's only 2 Super Rares in a box on average (and 1 Ultra Rare, i.e. Full-Art).

    What are you thinking of about it?
    Lucky Fire, the new one - Dark Explorers. I was hoping to pull at least one EX card, but alas I did not. Not like Next Destinies where I pulled nothing but garbage EXCEPT for the one Mewtwo EX at the end. That was nice.

    Is there anything on your mind right now, Lucky?
    Lucky Fire, no, by all means, comment. I'm not going to ignore it. (I'll post a new chapter tonight, if you want.)

    I got a total of 9 packs, and there was nothing especially remarkable about any of them, except for the reverse-foil trainers.
    Lucky Fire, I'd like to post a new chapter, but I don't know how many people are going to read it. Would you comment on the fic at all if I posted a new chapter? I like to know I have SOME kind of following in the topic itself.

    How am I doing? Saturday was a mixed bag, but in a good way. It was a prerelease, and I got drafted into judging because the guy who was supposed to staff didn't show up. No big deal for me, as I'm used to it.

    After the first half of the prerelease, the TO took us all out to lunch and we all ordered burgers. They turned out to be as big as a person's head. I only managed to eat half of mine.

    The packs I got didn't have a lot of good stuff unfortunately, but they didn't cost me a time, so I'm not that bitter. I did get one or two nice things, though.
    Lucky Fire, heheh, we'll see. I'm not sure why you think there are any hints in Nightmare or Cycle about who is whose apprentice. I might give you a taste of it later.

    How's Nightmare? Being ignored by most people on Beach, as usual...
    Lucky Fire, it's all right. And yes, it's one of them, but I'll leave you to figure it out.
    This weekend I managed to write all of chapter 1 and the first bit of chapter 2, but so far that's really only an introduction. I find that my introduction is lacking in some way but I'm not exactly sure how to add to it; I had to embellish my existing introduction quite a bit before I got it to 1000 words. (The original draft had only 700 or so.)
    Lucky Fire, Sorry for not responding earlier, a lot going on.

    I'll be on PO in a bit if you want to meet me there :p
    Lucky Fire, A classmate of mine attempted to drag me into the series. I didn't know who were the famous ponies and she looked me in the eye and said, "Really?" Wrong way to ask. :p
    Lucky Fire, I'm going to assume you mean 'whose', not 'who's'. Well, who do you think it's going to be?

    Computers should be able to read data on SD cards automatically; they wouldn't be able to read them only if it had a file suffix it didn't recognize - which, although possible, isn't likely if it's a picture.

    Ah, okay. Private message or profile comment?
    Lucky Fire, because you're the apprentice :p

    Just because something is outdated doesn't mean it's unusable. My computer is back from 2005 or so and it still works fine, other than being a bit slow now and then.

    I know this is an odd request, but if you wouldn't mind could you come on chat to talk? You're free to decline and I'll understand if you do.
    Lucky Fire, yeah, but a word all by itself doesn't mean a whole lot, does it?

    Not all computers have SD card readers. A lot of laptops do though, nowadays, so if your family owns a laptop, you could try that.
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