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  • Lucky Fire, Not much going on on PO, although the VG staff just opened Mt. Battle, which is a really cool event. It was my original idea, and then Bippa and the others expanded on it and now it's finally opened :D

    You should check it out and join :p
    Lucky Fire, I'm good. Just posted a new story at the Writer's Corner. This time I've read over it a little compared to my Shark Wars one.
    Lucky Fire, Super busy as always :p

    I'm good for the most part. I had a stressful few days last week because I had to plan for a regional tournament in barely 24 hours. I was happy I went though, it was really fun and I got to meet a bunch of members from Pokebeach in real life too :D.

    How are you?
    Lucky Fire, lol you think Zyflair is a girl

    I see he posted about 5 Serperior pics on your wall. Why not use one of those?
    I like how you talk to DNA about it as if he looks up Pokemon art all of the time.
    If none are to your liking, I can keep looking.
    Lucky Fire, he was obviously messing with you. And yes it's that old.

    Serperior, eh? Do you care who drew it or are you just looking for Serperior in general?
    Lucky Fire, what kind of avatar are you looking for?

    And I'm crying because EarthBound and Pokemon are NOTHING alike. Heck, EarthBound was released 3 years before Pokemon, on the SNES.
    Lucky Fire, I go to a TCG league every Saturday, so no worries on finding someone else :p

    The fire went off? Don't you mean the fire alarm went off?
    And what's wrong with the avatar you have now?
    Is Earthbound based on Pokemon?
    I'm crying on the inside right now.
    Lucky Fire, it's not a poem, actually; it's a song. It's from an old video game called EarthBound.

    I'm doing all right. I was in NorCal all weekend (but I probably told you all that) and now I'm back at home kicking back. Pondering what I'm going to do in the Pokemon TCG world next.

    Life is but a moment, a single grain of sand;
    That slips right through the hourglass and slips right through your hand;
    You've shown me how to make each moment count,
    And I know now...what life's all about!

    Life is but a twinkle, the winking of an eye,
    A star that lights the universe, a flash across the sky;
    You came to me, just like a shooting star;
    You gave to me the love that's in your heart!

    Guess what song that's from.
    Lucky Fire, it could be just people talking in the room next to yours.

    You don't know what damper means? Sounds like someone needs to start reading the dictionary.
    Lucky Fire, I plan to have my first and second chapter up before the end of April. Or at the latest, 1st or 2nd week of May. Hopefully you will enjoy it. :)
    Lucky Fire, I'm doing great! I'm up in Northern California for Regionals, and currently eating dinner with a friend's family. Overall, I have had an utterly fantastic weekend! (I'll be writing a report on my weekend when I get home, as I'm posting from my 3DS right now; I'm not at home.)

    And what about yourself, my fine friend? Hopefully the camp experience wasn't a.....DAMPER

    Lucky Fire, Never better. :) I've decided to pick up my old fanfic again and continue working on chapter 2. Shouldn't be long before I can get it up. :)
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