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  • Lucky Fire, I'm not going to go see the movie; I'm just asking what you thought of the plot, that's all.

    It better not flood! :eek:
    Lucky Fire, I think they did the shaking for an effect. To try to emphasize running or battle.
    Lucky Fire, Friday the 13th isn't something to be worried about, trust me. It's only something to worry about if you make it out to be.

    So you thought the movie was just so-so? What did you think of the plot?

    And getting ready for camp? You're going to be away this weekend as well?
    Lucky Fire, thanks! :D

    I myself am doing fine; I'm going to be leaving for Northern California sometime today for Regionals, and I'll be up there the whole weekend (since it's a 2-day affair). I hope to enjoy myself quite a bit while I'm up there. And that's what my plans are for this weekend.

    How about you?
    Lucky Fire, you're only half-right, which means you're probably completely wrong. I'll let you see for yourself when the time comes. :p

    On an unrelated note, I'm kinda surprised you didn't notice what happened 2 days ago
    Lucky Fire, are you alluding to cross-dressing or something?

    And Apprentice is the second sequel. I have not actually written any words for it - I am still in the brainstorming stage.
    Lucky Fire, I have not seen the movie before (nor do I plan to). I've heard it isn't all that bad, but there are still some things to watch for. (You're wondering exactly what's PG-13 in it, aren't you? Unfortunately I can't tell you since I haven't seen it myself.)

    Hmm, Flygon, Butterfree, Ninjask, and Beautifly. Interesting...I'll put that on the list of potential ideas for Apprentice.
    Lucky Fire, oh right, you're seeing the Hunger Games movie tonight? or Thursday? I forgot what you said.

    Also if you want a list:
    I've been better. I haven't been working as much as I thought I was going to be, and I've been in kind of a foul mood because of it. Also, I'm upset by the meager turnout of the recent haiku contests and feeling like I've been left out of a lot of things that may be going on here at PB. But then, it may just be because I've been slightly inactively lately too...
    Lucky Fire, ahahahaha, fair enough.

    As for how I'm doing? Test at class today which I went through pretty quickly (it was kinda easy actually), then went to get some ice cream later in the day. In about a half-hour I'm going out to dinner with family (something I don't often do) so that oughta be fun.

    Also I don't think you answered this question before, but are there any Bug-type Pokemon you like?
    How have you been? I haven't seen you around much lately, so I assume you've had a lot going on recently.
    Lucky Fire, how do I think life began? I think I mentioned this before, didn't I? I think it was specially created by a divine creator. Why do you ask?
    Lucky Fire, whatever you feel like talking about. Life, the universe, and everything in between. It's your choice!
    Lucky Fire, Speedway? I don't believe I've ever heard of that; is that a fast-food place? It sounds like it.
    Lucky Fire, remind me, a flyout is when a fly ball comes your way?

    So you've never had one of those "I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT *catch*" moments?
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