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  • Lucky Fire, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. I mean, why not?

    Long story short: I don't believe in the theory of evolution; I believe in special creation.
    To answer the question you asked Bippa, they're sprites from the new Pokemon game Nobunaga's Ambition, currently released in Japan. The sprites released so far can be found here. And I must admit, they're pretty darn cool.
    Lucky Fire, Pretty good. Just lost the motivation to write my fanfiction. :(
    Lucky Fire, have you ever spoke so fast that you end up mumbling further on in your sentence? Yeah, it's kinda like that.

    And those birds originated from other birds, which originated from other birds. I think you know where I'm going with this.
    Lucky Fire, maybe it's because your words are going too fast for your mind to keep up with them. That happens to me all the time.

    I honestly don't think birds originated from dinosaurs. I think birds originated from birds.
    Lucky Fire, well, when you remember where you see the mistake, let me know. I'll gladly tweak it.

    And yes, the idea is rather similar to Nightmare's first chapter, except the protagonist is not given the choice.

    I'm sure a bunch of ideas have gone before us so that, at this point, like you said very little of what we devise is purely original. Yet I try the best I can to not make it cliche or plagiarized. But the Nightmare series itself is set in a Pokemon universe and there's nothing I can do to fix that.

    It's true that only God knows the future for sure, but we people can still guess and anticipate it. And you weren't confusing at all - I understood everything you said perfectly fine.
    Lucky Fire, not if his name is Deus - Deus is basically ageless. In Cycle, his age is hinted at, and the realization should be pretty fun.

    Well, so far I have the idea that the main protagonist gets forced into something against his/her will, and can't back out of it. Then someone else helps him/her to live this new life, coaching along the way.
    I have the beginning figured out, but as with all fanfics, the trickiest part to figure out is the middle.

    It's very nice that you wish to help, though! If things go well, I may ask you for some input.
    Lucky Fire, a fine line, yeah, you could say that. And yes, I change the age of the person too - someone who appears in both Nightmare and Cycle is 18 in the books, but 14 in real life. I will most likely tack on a few years, as I am prone to do. (The main character is partly off me and is 24, but I'm not quite 24.)

    I have a rough idea for the plot in the works, but it isn't solidified enough to actually start writing for it. But it's better than nothing. I want to try and turn Nightmare and the like into a long series if I can.
    Lucky Fire, okay then!

    Usually for characters I stick in my fics based off real-life people, I change the personalities enough so that it's not a carbon copy, but there's still enough to tell that the similarities are there. And, of course, I change the person's name.

    As for the story? I wouldn't call it a sequel to Cycle, but it IS going to be the next book in the series (chronologically).
    Lucky Fire, Bippa is only gone temporarily, actually. He'll be back.

    Oh right, my story! I need to post a new chapter for it, don't I? It's collecting dust and being ignored...again.

    On a side note, I'm thinking of writing a new story, and one of the characters after it heavily models you, but I want to ask permission before going forward. May I use a character with attributes similar (but not identical) to your own? Name will be changed and personality altered significantly so it's not a carbon copy of yourself.
    Lucky Fire, I hate it when it's chilly and windy outside. Then I actually feel cold. (I like to wear shorts pretty much all the time, and I can bear the cold pretty well, except when it gets windy.)

    So what's up?
    Lucky Fire, a solar eclipse could probably wound your eyes.

    Two hours due to a mistake, and it was cold outside?
    Lucky Fire, I'm doing pretty good; I'm plotting what I'm going to do for VGC and such, and relaxing in general. How about yourself?
    It's fine. I'm guilty of completely forgetting about certain Pokemon after a while until somebody just happens to mention that they exist.
    Lucky Fire, have I had any problems lately?

    I've had one, but I don't think you'll be able to help very much with it. (It involves love and my emotions.)
    Lucky Fire, YT is an abbreviation for YouTube.

    With that said, what would you like to do next?
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