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  • Lucky Fire, anything else in regards to entertainment, you mean?

    A few other small things (like playing Yugioh over the Internet), but using YT for music is the main one.
    Lucky Fire, lucid dreams are a bit irritating, I agree. Whenever I have one, I always feel exhausted the next morning and I want to sleep in. (Sometimes that isn't possible, which is a bit annoying.)

    Clear your mind of what?

    As for entertainment purposes, I listen to music on Youtube. That can keep me occupied for a pretty long time :D
    Lucky Fire, first of all, you keep spelling 'entertainment' incorrectly. You keep writing 'entrainment', which means something completely different. Moving on:

    When I dream tonight? I actually hope I don't get a dream, really. Lately I've been having a few nightmares, which actually frustrates me immensely. And with dreams, I forget them almost immediately after I wake up. With nightmares the memory persists for a few days. It sucks.

    And what do you mean by board games?

    I know technology can't entertain you forever, but I use it differently than others would: I use it to communicate and talk with my friends and see how they're doing, and see how I can help and encourage them. That's never boring to me. It makes me happy when I can see my friends growing.
    Lucky Fire, it's been said with age comes wisdom. But age brings quite a bit more than that, I can assure you. One of those things is, unfortunately, regret. Sooner or later, you'll regret something.

    Ah, but I know time machines don't exist. I'll just keep walking forward.

    And what is the matter with technology?
    Lucky Fire, actually, memories can be temporary as well. There are many things that have happened to me in my childhood, but I don't think I remember any of them. I'm not sure if it's just because of the passage of time, or if I locked them away due to them being terrible memories.

    ...Yeah, there are a lot of things that have happened in my past that I do not like to think or talk about...sadly.

    What kinds of stuff was I moving? Assorted boxes, a few couches, some chairs...this-and-that.

    You use Flipnote to alleviate boredom?
    Lucky Fire, you wouldn't get points for the guesses though, har har har :p

    I'm doing all right. I had to walk back to my house in the rain without a jacket, so that made me sad. Then I had to go out again to the library (because on the weekends I don't have home internet) to finish some homework due by tonight and tackle this one particularly hellish problem.

    I find out when I log on that the instructor removed that problem and extended the due date to Wednesday. That makes me happy now!

    Early on in the day was pretty nice as well; I was helping my church move out some old stuff they didn't need down to a storage locker, so that was pretty nice. It was rather strenuous work so I took a shower as soon as I got home (which was about 90 minutes ago).

    And yourself? How are you, Lucky?
    Lucky Fire, oh, I never said I didn't have any ideas. I'm just saying that your ideas are good enough to actually be implemented!
    Be proud of yourself.
    Lucky Fire, sparkling water is nothing more than water with a fizzy taste. Think of it like soda, except it has virtually zero flavor of any kind.

    A league is a group of Pokemon TCG players that meet once a week to play Pokemon and basically hang out - it lasts for a couple hours on end and there is a good time to be had by all. (Haven't I told you this once before? I don't recall.)
    Lucky Fire, moral of the story: never shake a water bottle. (Never shake anything before opening, unless it says 'shake well' or you want the contents to explode on purpose.)

    I...am doing quite well, actually! I'm going to be headed to League in about a half-hour, but it's also a pleasure talking to you, so that makes me feel great.
    Lucky Fire, there will be no tie. But if those are your predictions, I'll keep that in mind. Just remember that if PMJ won't win a round, everyone else is free to vote him off, and thus he might not win merely out of spite.

    Enough about that. How are you doing, Lucky?
    Lucky Fire, It's totally impossible to tell at this point, actually. When it gets down to the final 8 or so (when there are no teams left), things get very very tricky.
    Lucky Fire, not even close. It's more of an emotional trauma thing.

    If it was a Grand Canyon story, I would probably be laughing about it right now...but alas, it is not.
    Thanks for caring, though.
    Lucky Fire, there was something that happened in Arizona that made me remember something painful that happened to both myself and a friend of mine.

    And don't worry, it's not your fault. You don't need to apologize.
    Lucky Fire, I don't plan on going on vacation anywhere this summer. Rather I plan to be taking a few summer college courses so I can get my unit count up.

    (I'm not really fond of vacation stuff either, so...yeah, I don't like going too far from home. I went to Arizona a few weeks ago and I got really depressed while I was there...but fortunately it wasn't Arizona's fault; the weather was great and everything.)

    Aaaaaaand now I dredged up painful memories I don't like thinking about >_<
    Lucky Fire, like random ideas they spring on you at the last possible moment, and you end up going along with it?

    Sounds like fun.
    Lucky Fire, wouldn't you have more time for it if you were on summer vacation, though?

    Or when you say summer vacation, do you literally mean like going on vacation?
    Lucky Fire, for the future rounds of the Challenge, of course! Do you really think you are fully prepared?
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