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  • Lucky Fire, I believe I just mentioned this not too long ago, but I'm going to the SS Anne :p
    Lucky Fire, I'm not sure why you're so secretive about it, but okay.

    How do you plan to spend your weekend?
    Lucky Fire, ...You thought the SS Anne was a ship in Platinum? I should slap you!

    The SS Anne is a ship that exists in RBY, and the remakes FRLG. It's a cruise liner docked in Vermilion City that visits there once per year.
    Now to explain where I'm going - there is a ship called the Queen Mary, a retired cruise liner that is permanently docked in Long Beach, California. The Pokemon TCG State Championships for the state of California will be held tomorrow, aboard that ship.

    Because it's a cruise liner that we play Pokemon on once per year, the local playerbase has affectionately dubbed it the "SS Anne".

    ...A cure for what? Or was the video so vague that you can't describe it?
    Lucky Fire, a video showing a future? Would you care to be more specific? What you said was a bit vague.

    As for the SS Anne...I'll explain. First of all, do you know what the SS Anne is?
    Lucky Fire, I'm doing quite well - I am going to the SS Anne in Vermilion City (no really, I am) tomorrow for a tournament, and that ought to be incredibly fun, seeing as I will also be meeting several people I haven't seen in a while.

    And yourself?
    Lucky Fire, I wasn't sure how my parents would react to it.
    I don't have that problem anymore, but I did then.
    Lucky Fire, why what? Why did I sneak on when I was younger, or why do I swim like a rock?
    Lucky Fire, I guess that's better than nothing. I know how you feel though - when I was younger, I had the same situation.

    Swimming lessons are good. If only I didn't move like a rock, then I would have kept mine up. At least I know how to swim :p
    Lucky Fire, =/

    I wasn't aware people ran in swimsuits. Running suits, I knew about that. Ah well, I guess things are different elsewhere in the world.

    Whoever would steal a lock? There are just annoying people out there in the world - it's frustrating but true.

    And I see you managed to get back on the chat again! Did you convince your folks?
    Lucky Fire, looks that way :p

    And, like I said, it's your story. Do whatever you think fits best.

    So how's life?
    Lucky Fire, the Fire Scyther? You mean 'scythe', right? And it is your story, so pick whichever weapon you think will fit best. Axe is more of a crushing weapon, so if the Fire is based around destruction or something, maybe the Axe is more fitting in that case. It's your choice.
    Lucky Fire, indeed it was a lucky feat. Even luckier seeing as I lost my final life about 30 seconds after catching Rayquaza, ending the game.

    Yeah, sure, I'd love to talk. What's on your mind?
    Lucky Fire, currently trying to soft-reset for the Mewtwo event. Once I do that, I can soft reset for the Zekrom, and then go and collect my C-Gear skin. (I want to finish it as fast as possible so I don't run out of time!)

    As for my trip to Arizona, it was pretty good. I got to catch up with some old friends of mine I hadn't seen in a while, plus I was hanging out with another good friend of mine (who I drove up with), and on the ride home, I captured Rayquaza in Pinball RS (a very arduous feat). Yes!
    Lucky Fire, Wow lol, all of my teachers let me do my homework in class today. Coincidences ftw.

    Pssssssst you should totally go read Chapter 1 of my story now :p
    I'm planning on having it up no later than Wednesday, depending on how much time it takes me to finish it.
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